Thursday, September 27, 2012

Day 26: Who's Fanning Your Flame?

You have to appreciate the nuances and poetry of the proverbs. The metaphors that are used are poignant and truly gives one pause. This was the case with today's reading in Proverbs 26. Verse 20 reads, "Where there is no wood, the fire goes out; And where there is no talebearer, strife ceases." As I read, I could only seem to think of the hard time I have sometimes when trying to build and sustain a fire in my fireplace. In winter months, one of my great pleasures is to light a fire on a cold night and let that heat my soul. But tending to a fire is no small task. It requires that someone fan and feed the flames occasionally. I can think back on many a night where I fell asleep only to be awakened by a cool rush of wind because no log had been added to sustain the fire. When we liken that to our spiritual walk, the fire being talked about here is one of strife and discord. The only way that strife and discord can continue to burn in our lives is if someone is tending to that fire. The question becomes, who is fanning your flames? Who in your life brings lies and drama without Truth and peace? Who brings junk and no joy? Who is constantly talking about things that don't edify or build you up? As you read those words, someone's face came to mind. And, though it may be difficult to cut the apron strings of that relationship, the Lord sent this little prayer point today to remind you that you have the option. Today, you can choose to let the negative fires of discord and strife die in your life and foster the winds of peace and life. Be encouraged to make a choice that honors Him and protects you.


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