Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Use Your S.W.O.R.D.

"I can't take it anymore! Why does everything have to be so hard?!"

These were the words that I wrote in my journal the other day--hoping that an "easy button" would magically appear in response to my plea. The year has been outstanding. So many things have stood out and made 2012 a memorable year (to say the least) just as God had promised. But I had had enough. Tired of money challenges. Tired of transportation challenges. Tired of house challenges. Tired of love life challenges. Tired of people, places, and things. I was simply tired. And so I did what any grown up would do...I threw a tantrum. Writing in my journal the above words as tears streamed down my face, I knew of only one thing that could make it better--the Word of God, my sword of faith. I opened to this week's reading in Hebrews and immediately felt the salve of my Father's Words wash over my soul:

"Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise:"  
Hebrews 10:35-36

All I could do was sit there as my tears dried up and my heart lightened at the Word sent just for me. Now maybe this isn't your word. Maybe you are searching for something else. Today's challenge to you is to USE YOUR S.W.O.R.D. (a.k.a. the Bible or what I call "Soothing Words Of Righteous Deliverance). So often we face life's trials feeling the need for just one more word to push us on to that next step. I can testify that the Word of God is just what you need.

Be encouraged as you continue in the press.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Promises Beyond Inadequacies

But now He has obtained a more excellent ministry, inasmuch as He is also Mediator of a better covenant, which was established on better promises.  For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness,  and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more.” 
Hebrews 8:6, 12

On the way home one day, I began thinking about the season that I've been in. It's not always been easy and has had me asking God to clearly reveal His purpose in these life tests so that I can pass and not have to revisit them. Unlike those who are more righteous than me, my desire to move out of the season is not always altruistically motivated. I am not always focused on Christ the way I would like to be in theory. And that was the center of my thinking on the way home. I began to berate myself about not doing better, thinking better, and just plain being better. I began to feel inadequately human and selfish in my thinking. That familiar motto "W.W.J.D.?" (What Would Jesus Do) played in my mind as I wondered how Christ would have handled being in my shoes. My brain began to overload as I thought of all of the "shoulds"...you know the things that you feel you "should" do like pray more, eat less, exercise more, love more, and so forth... I knew as I stepped into the house that my condemning thoughts were not of God (Romans 8:1) and that I needed to turn to The Word for answers. As I re-read Hebrews 8, I was struck by the 8th and 12th verses that reminded me that God is merciful and not as concerned with my works (a.k.a. deeds). While He does want me to pray more and love more, etc., He also knows doesn't condemn me when I don't. At the end of the day, His promises go beyond my inadequacies. His covenant is one of forgiveness and grace...not to the end of sinning more but to the end of living more. Truly it's God's desire for us to lead lives that are focused on Him. However, as God, He also fully understands that we are simply unrighteous humans. And sometimes that is all the reminder that we need to take one more step in His direction.

Be encouraged to stay focused on living for God without trying to be Him.


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Striving for Perfection

For the law appoints as high priests men who have weakness, but the word of the oath, which came after the law, appoints the Son who has been perfected forever.
~Hebrews 7:28

I recently had the opportunity to visit a Mayan ruin in Belize--Lamanai. Like many ruins, it was once used in Mayan society as a place of sacrifice, worship, government and trade. A tall structure, it is used by tourists now to climb to the top and see over the treeline God’s great Creation. To say the least, it is a feat to be conquered and not for the slight of heart or fearful of heights. I, in my haste, decided to take on the challenge. As I began to climb, the stupidity of the exercise began to enter my brain. With nothing to secure a climber (holster, rigs, etc.), I was beginning to second guess my decision to climb as my fear of falling kicked in not far into my adventure. I made a decision twice (around step #10 of the incline steps), in fact, to stop the whole charade of bravery and adventure and abandon ship for safer, solid ground. Each time, a fellow-climber would skip by me (seemingly effortless climbers) with words of encouragement. And so I pressed on—speaking the words of Phil 4:13 to myself as I went…muttering “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” as I purposefully made my way up the narrow stairway. And as the end of the rope you can hold going up came to an end and the “real climbers” could take the last 10 steps up to the very top, I had hit my limit.

Looking up at the folks on top.
I stood on the plateau, shaking like a leaf feeling completely victorious even though I had fallen short of the ultimate plateau. I looked up at those above me who had achieved their ultimate goal of making it to the top and smiled to myself as I had achieved my ultimate goal of pressing passed my fears to the place where God would allow me to go (somewhere around step #50ish). I knew that I could go no further. Safety would not allow that—shaking uncontrollably while trying to climb with nothing to hold on to is not advisable for anyone.

You see, I had strived to accomplish the best that I could be. I had strived for perfecting this adventure. And what I learned when I got to my top was that my point of perfection is not the same as another person’s point, my accomplishment is not the same as another person’s accomplishment, my goal was not the same as other people’s goal. And, while my fellow climbers seemed to want to console me in my inability to make it all the way to the top, I could only smile the biggest smile ever because I was celebrating my ability to do even more than I thought I could do. And the same thing goes for the other areas of our life. Our ultimate goal is common—we all want to reach the perfection of being like Christ. But along the way, what we will come to learn is that we are human. And, as Hebrews 7:28 says, we are a priesthood full of weaknesses. We have been chosen indeed. 1 Peter 2:9 says we are a “chosen generation, a royal priesthood” but that does not ever make us all the same. What’s more it does not equate us with Christ. There is always One (Christ) who sets the bar higher than we will be able to reach but a bar we should strive to meet nonetheless. And as we climb towards that bar, push through our comfort zone (step #10) and hurdle over our fears, we will feel assurance and excitement in making it to our own levels of accomplishment.

Today, your challenge is to make sure that you don’t sell yourself short and stop on step #10 when your place of accomplishment is at step #40 or #50. Be encouraged as you press on towards that mark in Christ Jesus. God and a host of angels will be cheering with you when you do (even if man does not). Push on. You can do it!


P.S. Don’t forget to share this prayer point with someone today. You never know who could use an encouraging word to make it past their step #10.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Hear The Call. Don't Turn Back.

“For everyone who partakes only of milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, for he is a babe. But solid food belongs to those who are full age, that is, those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.”
Hebrews 5:13-14

“I have decided to follow Jesus…No turning back. No turning back.” For some reason, this old hymn is floating through my mind. There was a point in my life when Jesus wasn’t even a thought for me. Then, even after salvation, I was not fully committed to giving myself completely to Him. I did the best I knew how to do. I drank the mild of my Christian faith just like it describes in Hebrews 5:13. However, there was a certain point when I realized that God was calling me to a new level in Him—one where mild would not suffice and where the solid food of faith (Heb 5:14) was required. At that point, I made a conscious decision to follow Him…no turning back.

So on days and in seasons when that path is more challenging than I’d like, I am reminded that I have truly made a commitment to go where He’s gone in some way, shape, or form. My suffering (if you can even call it that) only scratches the surface of what Christ suffered. And, as I walk through the valleys of this Christian journey, I can be reassured that even suffering has a purpose. Hebrews 5:8 says that Jesus “learned obedience by things which he suffered.” He was called by The Father and remained committed without turning back despite His tremendous suffering.

You may be struggling with the call that The Father has given you. Drinking the milk of faith has worked just fine for you. But there is more to this walk for you. Today, hear the call that God is placing over your life to eat the “solid food” of your faith and walk with assurance that in your decision you will not turn back.

Be encouraged to keep moving forward.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

God's Whisper Through The Shift

This week, my life is changing. After ten years of love, joy, peace, sanctuary, friendship, triumph and trials, I am moving out of my home. It is my first home. It has seen me through 6 roommates, 2 pets, 3 degrees, 3 vehicles, and countless other blessings of jobs, relationships, and more. The corners of the room have heard me weep when there was no one else around and they have heard me whoop and holler when the room was filled. The walls have watched as I've gone through so much transition in my life and so the parting of ways has been like leaving an old friend. There are positive sides to this transition and challenging sides as well. With that in mind, making the decision to move has not been an easy one and has challenged my ability to be obedient as God shifts things around in my life. So it seemed only fitting that as I opened up my devotional on my big move date, it "just so happened" that my readings coincided with just what I needed to hear. The first words I read were those in Ecclesiastes 3 and then in Hebrews 4:

"To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven."  ~ Ecclesiastes 3:1

"For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin.  Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need." ~Hebrews 4:15-16

God, in His infinite wisdom started my day whispering comfort in my ear. Letting go of one season to walk into the next is never easy, but the great thing is that God is right there with us through it all. He walks with us and knows the turn of our hearts as we are pushed and pulled through the shifting seasons. Our emotions may be all over the place but, if we stop for a moment in the midst of all the hubbub, get quiet and listen, He whispers to us and brings a great peace that helps us to move one more step through the seasonal shift. In the midst of our trial and in the midst of our shift, we can go boldly to "the throne of grace" and He's waiting with the help that we need. 

Today, there is something that God is trying to move you from and/or move you TO. You've been resisting the shift, feeling alone in the movement. But I want you to be encouraged today. I pull the instructions from Hebrews that are repeated often..."harden not your heart" and hear what God is trying to whisper to you. Be obedient to the move of God and He will be right there at every step. He is trying to move you to that next place in your purpose and will honor your obedience. Do not hesitate and press through the obstacles before you. He wants to make your shift seamless. He wants to be there for you. Stop, take a deep breath, and listen to what thus said the Lord.

Be encouraged,


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Firm, Unshaken & Holding On

"For if we are faithful to the end, trusting God just as firmly as when we first believed, we will share in all that belongs to Christ." Hebrews 3:14 (NLT)

Fall is my favorite season. Nature's autumn colors serve as a constant reminder of how God is The Master Artist, and it always brings me such peace. In the midst of a life that is full of craziness, you can always count on a blue sky and a leaf turning ten shades of green, yellow, red and orange (not grey) and settling your mind if only for a moment. Today, I experienced that very peace as I drove through the mountains. My mind began to wander as I remembered a particular tree that I saw a few years ago around this time of the year. Most of the leaves had fallen from a tree and there was just one little leaf who was holding on for dear life in a position that was abnormal to a leaf. I walked away and came back to it still in position. It was like the leaf had sheer determination and refused to be parted from the very thing that had given it life for so long. Even when the stem was disconnected, the leaf was tenaciously hang on just a little longer. And, as I watched that leaf, I was reminded of the kind of fortitude that God expects from us. From the start of our season to the very end, God wants us to hang on for dear life. 

Hebrews 3:14 says that we have to be "faithful to the end". The Amplified translation says that we are to have "assured expectation firm and unshaken to the end". As life turns topsy turvy, as you even begin to feel like you may be disconnected from The Source (God), you need to remember this leaf, make some adjustments to your grip and don't let go. The God who so eloquently made millions of shades of greens, yellows, reds and oranges in ONE leaf, did so much more in us when He perfected us. And the Bible assures us that He will complete the work He has begun in us (Philippians 1:6). If we hold on, we will get to partake with Christ in His inheritance and that's a prize worth waiting on.

Be encouraged to stand firm, remain unshaken and simply hold on for dear life. He's got you!


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Pursue The Promise

"Therefore we must give the more earnest heed to the things we have heard, lest we drift away." Hebrews 2:1

Have you ever had one of those days where happiness seems elusive and one thing after another keeps coming your way to throw you off course and distract you. On those days, I find myself wishing that I had that "easy" button that Staples uses in their commercials. Today was so off that I decided to simply go home for fear that I remained too exposed to the possibilities of further trauma out on the streets.Unfortunately, the tests for the day did not end there. And as I closed out the evening frustrated and worn down, I thought back to conversations had throughout the day and realized that I had been living out the truth of the verse in Hebrews 2 that had caught my eye during my morning devotional. Verse 1 says that we must "earnestly" pay attention to the things we've heard. The writer of Hebrews is talking about salvation and our assurance in who Christ is in our lives. But I believe that it goes even beyond that. Sometimes you have to stand up for God's promise. You have to believe beyond your own understanding that what God said about our lives is true and be ready to fight for those truths on days when "easy" would be so much nicer (Philippians 3:14 calls it 'pressing towards the mark'). As you face the situations, people, conversations that push your buttons, remember to earnestly pursue God's truth for your life (the promise). Be encouraged as you press on and don't allow the enemy to get you fatigued. Take a moment, pray, regroup and then keep on pressing.


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Rollin' with God's Crew

"Starburst 4" by Christine Gaut
It's easy to feel alone. Whether you are single or married, with children or without, live alone or with others, that feeling that comes when you close your eyes and your problems are your own and it's only you and God there to solve them can be a daunting one. It can be overwhelming to think about the next steps you must take when life has thrown you a curve-ball. But the thing that I found out today (the thing that God shows me each time that lonely hole begins to swallow me up) is that there's a whole crew of angels assigned to help little 'ole me. The first chapter of Hebrews talks about Jesus being exalted above the angels. The chapter ends with a small statement that stuck with me in verse 14. It says, "Are not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?"

The verse piqued my interest and caused me to research what exactly the job of these spirits/angels is. My image of angels doesn't really extend beyond a flowey white, winged being or that old television series, Highway To Heaven. (The angels on that show were walking amongst us doing good deeds.) So what I found made me look around with gratitude at the air all around me. My research came up with two verses in particular that I think you should hear:

"No evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near your dwelling; for He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways. In their hands they shall bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone." (Psalm 91:10-12)


"Bless the Lord, you His angels, who excel in strength, who do His word, heeding the voice of His word. Bless the Lord, all you His hosts, you ministers of His, who do His pleasure. (Psalm 103:20-21)

I don't know about you, but today I was comforted by the fact that God's crew includes spirits whose earthly job is to minster to those of us trying desperately to walk this Christian journey, protect us from evil, all while being strong examples of those who please God. The angels assigned to you are more than little cherubs with wings or frail, whimsical ghosts. They are a gang whose rep is unrivaled by any other and whose power is fighting the fight on your side. You can be reassured that you are not alone and that  the crew you are rollin' with is the one to watch. 

Be encouraged today and know, you're never alone. God and his whole crew have your back!


New Series on Hebrews/Faith

I'm truly amazed at God already and looking forward to all He is going to say between now and the new year. In the middle of doing our last 31 day series on Proverbs, we felt the Lord shifting to us finishing the last 12 weeks of the year with the 13 chapters of Hebrews--a book that is notoriously about faith. I do hope that you will join us on this journey and tell your friends to subscribe to the weekly devotional email.


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Day 31: Your Word Awaits

As this series of writings comes to a close, I really wanted to leave you all with something particularly profound. I found it amazing that God chose to end this book of wisdom specifically talking about a woman who fears the Lord (Proverbs 31:30). I thought for sure that there was something to that that I should share with each of you reading along with me during the past 31 days. However, as I read Proverbs 31, all of the wisdom therein seemed to be rather personal to me. What I know is that there are so many rich nuggets in the 31 verses of this 31st proverb. I could spin a word and make it make sense but that would be doing you a disservice. As I read, every thought I had the Lord would say “that’s just for you”. What a sweet feeling to have. And what I can tell you about the Word of the day is that it’s in your heart. God is asking you to take a moment today and open up the 31st Proverb. Your Word awaits you there.

May the Lord bless you with the sweetness of His Word speaking to your heart in a personal way.


Monday, October 1, 2012

Day 30: Let Him Shield Your Heart

When we look around this world at all of the atrocities of life, it is sometimes hard to believe in God. As we experience death in our lives, financial ruin, divorce, depression, relationship traumas and so much more, it's hard to think that this good God that Christians sing about is real. How do you convince a mother who lost their child that God truly is "working everything for her good" like it says in Romans 8? This God walk that we are forging through is not an easy one. And, even if you read through the Bible, you see story after story of people's pain and trails. And the question of the day then becomes, "What is the point?' Why serve a God who allows such madness? And today the answer came to me in the form of the Proverbs. You see, in Proverbs 30:5 it says "Every word of God is pure; He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him." It's not that God allows bad things to happen to those who don't trust Him. That's not it. But what I think is the gift that He gives is in the word "shield".

Shield is about protection. We imagine that it means physical protection, but what I realized when I read this was that the shield that is being referred to here is not a physical one but a spiritual and emotional one. You see, the difference between Christians and the rest of the world is supposed to be the heart of the matter. Trials will come. If they killed Jesus, how much more would the world and evil forces strive to make us suffer and doubt God. But the scripture says that those who TRUST God will be protected from their sufferings and shielded from their doubts.

Today, you may be besieged with doubts--wondering what God is doing, where He is in the midst of your storm--but when you get quiet and rest in trust, he'll send you that peace that surpasses understanding to guard and shield your heart and mind. As the floodgates of trials and tribulations pour open in your world, allow God to use the purity of His Word to filter out the impurities from those experiences and build in your a new hope and a renewed joy. Trust in Him. He will do it. You just have to let Him.

Be encouraged.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Day 29: The Honor of Humility, The Gift of Grace

A man's pride will bring him low, But the humble in spirit will retain honor. Proverbs 29:23

There is a scripture in James that I often reflect on. It says, "Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up." (James 4:10) It's one of those verses that often sticks in my heart as I reflect on the idea that humbling is something that we do for ourselves and not this thing that God does for us. So I appreciate today's proverb that preaches along this same vein--humility brings honor. It's not just okay to say that we want to be humble, but it's necessary to understand that intention and action must accompany this desire. Walking in humility means putting aside your sense of entitlement and clothing yourself with the understanding that there is nothing that we deserve. While God has made promises to us, His words are ones of grace and not earned blessings. While He hears and understands our cries of "why me", the Lord wants to see our heart changed to "why not me". We may not want to hear this, but when we chose Jesus, we elected to join Him in His suffering (that's what it says in Philippians 3:10 ..."that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death"). If we are sincere, we decide that we love Him more than our creature comforts, we love Him more than what makes sense to us, we love Him more than even our own reputations. The tears you've been crying because your whole world has gone south and you feel like you don't "deserve" it are signs of grief mixed with pride. No one deserves heartache any more or less than the next person. The grace of God lets us know that Jesus came to heal the brokenhearted so that we don't have to live in that space of grief continually. He gave us a gift that is irreplaceable. Thus, as you approach this new week, do so with the cloak of humility surrounding you. Approach others with the thought that we all are in this together with none of us more or less deserving of grace than the next; and watch as people respond with awe and love--honoring the gift you've given them through your humbled spirit.

Be encouraged!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Day 28: Say What You Mean

"He who rebukes a man will find more favor afterward than he who flatters with the tongue."
Proverbs 28:23

There is a saying that goes "Say what you mean and mean what you say." Today's word from the proverbs is simple and to the point. The weight behind our words is immeasurable. This does not give us the license to say anything, but it does give us the responsibility to live in the middle of truth. Saying "I'm just keepin' it real" is not the same as rebuking a man in Christian love. Love is the key word. There has to be compassion and a sincere desire to improve the other person in order for it to be truly "real" and not just your opinion. So this is the day that you have an opportunity to speak in truth and love and refrain from simple flattery.

Be encouraged in truth and love.


Friday, September 28, 2012

Day 27: This Season Doesn't Last Always

Have you ever looked closely at a bird's nest? Sometimes they are a blend of both natural elements like twigs and branches mixed in with evidence of the modern world like plastic straws and string. But no matter the construction, we think about a bird's nest as a place of safety and nurturing--the place where eggs are protected and baby birds hatched. But as you read more about nesting, you will find that baby birds don't usually stay in the nest more than a few days. Once born, the nest full of chicks becomes a beacon to predators and they are basically kicked out of the nest to begin a new season in their lives. It's at this point that birds become what is called fledglingsas they are not quite babies any longer but still require the protection and guidance of their parents.

In this process, birds reflect the story of our Christian journey. Even the Bible likens man to this fledgling bird saying, "Like a bird that wanders from its nest is a man who wanders from his place" (Proverbs 27:8). So many of us are in places where we have been unceremoniously kicked out of or even choose to wander from our comfort zones, we are hopping around and learning our way, but we still need the protection and guidance of our Heavenly Father. If we look to the birds for better understanding, we will learn that birds don't remain in this unstable place forever. The fledgling season simply lasts until they are able to fly and be completely independent. As Christians, this is the point where we are somewhat different from that young bird. While the insecurity of the fledgling stage lessens with time and guidance, there is never a time when we become fully independent from our Father. Thus, it is good to know that He has promised that (unlike bird parents) He will never leave or forsake us. He's there when we are hopping around and learning our way and He is there when we are flying high with confidence and certainty in our faith.

Either way, it's my hope that you will take heart that fledgling season doesn't last always. As you find your place and stretch your wings, the Lord will cover and comfort you beyond your wildest dreams if you let Him.

Be encouraged,

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Day 26: Who's Fanning Your Flame?

You have to appreciate the nuances and poetry of the proverbs. The metaphors that are used are poignant and truly gives one pause. This was the case with today's reading in Proverbs 26. Verse 20 reads, "Where there is no wood, the fire goes out; And where there is no talebearer, strife ceases." As I read, I could only seem to think of the hard time I have sometimes when trying to build and sustain a fire in my fireplace. In winter months, one of my great pleasures is to light a fire on a cold night and let that heat my soul. But tending to a fire is no small task. It requires that someone fan and feed the flames occasionally. I can think back on many a night where I fell asleep only to be awakened by a cool rush of wind because no log had been added to sustain the fire. When we liken that to our spiritual walk, the fire being talked about here is one of strife and discord. The only way that strife and discord can continue to burn in our lives is if someone is tending to that fire. The question becomes, who is fanning your flames? Who in your life brings lies and drama without Truth and peace? Who brings junk and no joy? Who is constantly talking about things that don't edify or build you up? As you read those words, someone's face came to mind. And, though it may be difficult to cut the apron strings of that relationship, the Lord sent this little prayer point today to remind you that you have the option. Today, you can choose to let the negative fires of discord and strife die in your life and foster the winds of peace and life. Be encouraged to make a choice that honors Him and protects you.


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Day 25: Choose Your Weapons Wisely

I often find when speaking to fellow adult Christians that we sound like children in some ways when it comes to how we deal with conflict. Our sense of entitlement to lash out supersedes any desire to be a good witness. Our spiritual reasoning goes out the window when we feel we've been wronged. We operate with that "he hit me first" type of mentality that says it's o.k. to gain vengeance when the recipient of said response is "deserving". Somehow it makes us feel better if the person is mean or rude or annoying or simply just so different from us, but the truth is we know better than that. Being a Christian, an ambassador for Christ, means we've made a conscious decision not to live tit for tat. Specifically, we are called to take the higher road and not even boast about it. Proverbs 25:21 tells us, "If your enemy is hungry, give him bread to eat; And if he is thirsty, give him water to drink;". Instead of getting someone who got you, this Christian journey is about getting them with a different tool than the one they used on you--repaying evil with kindness and stinginess with generosity. It's easier said than done in the heat of the moment. But it's possible when you have the Holy Spirit guiding your every move. When you've decided to place no other god before The God (not even self-righteous indignation) then you allow God to get the glory. It's as simple as that.

I know you know this. I'm not saying anything earth-shattering or ground-breaking. It's the A-B-C's of The Golden Rule (Do unto others...), but sometimes you need a reminder. So today, as you encounter people along your way, tests will come but be encouraged to choose to use joy and peace as your weapons of choice even when they "hit you first" with evil and disruption.


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Day 24: Preach, Life. Preach!

30 One day I walked by the field of an old lazybones, and then passed the vineyard of a lout; 31 They were overgrown with weeds, thick with thistles, all the fences broken down. 32 I took a long look and pondered what I saw; the fields preached me a sermon and I listened: 33 "A nap here, a nap there, a day off here, a day off there, sit back, take it easy—do you know what comes next? 34 Just this: You can look forward to a dirt-poor life, with poverty as your permanent houseguest!" --Proverbs 24:30-34 (MSG)
The story of this lazy man caught my eye in today’s reading of the proverbs. The immediate question that came to mind was, “What sermon does my life preach?” The author of Proverbs describes this man whose overgrown vineyard was evidence of where he had not been attentive through the years. It further helped him to understand his future in permanent poverty. So what about us? What about you? What's overgrown in your life? What area of your life have you allowed to govern itself—not really paying close attention to how it develops? What part of your world sends the message to onlookers that God is a part of your life and what witness do other parts send? Or is it a consistent message across the board?

As we self-evaluate and prepare to finish this year strong, it is important that we are honest with ourselves about where we truly are, how far we have to go, and what role we play in that process. Perhaps we’ve become “lazybones” who need a little prodding so we understand that our vineyard needs attention. Perhaps we’ve simply been content to let things fester—relationships go down a slow spiral, businesses lose face, weight gain leading to one ailment after another. No matter where you are now, you simply need to understand that it’s never too late. Sometimes before a good harvest must come a good pruning and weeding season. Sometimes others will do the work for us while most of the time it’s work we must do ourselves.

Today, be encouraged to do the work so your life will begin to preach the message that both you and God will be proud of.


Monday, September 24, 2012

Day 23: Don't Waste Your Breath

I have a teenage friend who knows just about everything there is to know...or so she thinks. Talking to them can be frustrating at times because you can't tell them anything. I'm sure I was like that at their age (and much like that even today). "Stubborn" is a characteristic that I've been marked with, and so I recognize it so easily in others. Stubbornness aside, I do not like to debate. So, as I have interacted with my teenage friend, I have to admit that I've found them to be a good example of using wisdom in knowing when to argue and when to simply let it go. You see, knowing that a conversation will likely be an uphill battle with them, I rarely spend a lot of energy trying to convince them. You know what I'm talking about. We've all got a few people in our lives who simply like to debate and like to push our buttons while doing it. At the end of the conversation, you leave worse for the wear and on the border of having a stroke. It's simply not worth it! So it's nice to affirm that that tiny piece of wisdom is not just made up in my brain but also something that was written into the Bible. Proverbs 23:9 says, "Do not speak in the hearing of a fool, For he will despise the wisdom of your words." Stop allowing your blood pressure to skyrocket as you must make your point. Sometimes we have to allow people to make their own mistakes (even our children). Sometimes people need to come to the same conclusions we have through a journey of their own trials and tribulations. Even sharing the Gospel should never become a battle of wills. The New Testament phrases it sweetly telling us not to "throw our pearls before swine" (Matt 7:6)--not to put what is most precious to us in the mud to be stomped on by others. We present the Gospel. We present what's important to us. Then we let it go and leave the rest up to God.

Today, be encouraged to practice letting go. Don't spin your wheels in conversations that are going nowhere.


Day 22 (Yesterday): He's Got Your Back

In this season of economic hardships, there is a growing number if people who fall under the poverty line. Whether out of work or simply trying to make it by on minimum wage, there are so many families who have virtually fallen out of the shrinking middle class. But even for those who have physical means, there are a growing number of folks who are poor and afflicted in spirit. The enemy has stolen their peace, killed their joy, and destroyed their spirit with the slightest of effort (i.e. without even having to try hard). Perhaps that is you. You feel as though 'if it's not one thing it's another' and you spend restless nights trying to figure out how to keep your family from falling deeper and deeper into strife and stress. And, while your joy has been gone for a while now, you feel like you're facing the last straw now that your peace is wavering. Well there is is hope. The Bible tells us in Proverbs 22:23 that 'the Lord will plead their (the poor and afflicted) cause, And plunder the soul of those who plunder them.'

While I can't guarantee that your circumstances will change outwardly, I can reassure you that God has your back. When you are feeling "poor and afflicted", He has taken up for you and has already won the fight on your behalf. It's a fixed fight. When you realize that then you can hold tight to that 'peace that surpasses all understanding' that is promised by God.

Be encouraged in the understanding that God's got your back.


Saturday, September 22, 2012

Day 21: Five Minutes...You're On

The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, Like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes.  
~ Proverbs 21:1 ~

Today I am reminded of a saying that I once wrote about. It was a phrase that one of my supervisors once told me a few years ago that I find great comfort and encouragement in when I reflect on it. She said, "It's five minutes until change." As long as we wait for life to change and for things to work out in our favor, it seems as though change takes a long time. However, change and blessings come in the instant of an eye. It simply takes one right decision, one nod from the right person, provision from the right direction and your life can change in a moment; and sometimes it's good to be reminded of that fact. As you wait and wish for life to happen around you, realize that it's all in God's hand. And, while it may take a lot of energy and pleading and prodding from us as humans to make change, when we leave it in God's hands then we allow Him to make His wishes come true. Proverbs says that God can turn the head of even the king to accomplish what He wishes. That means that you and I can stop trying to do the work. Stop beating your head against the walls trying to convince other people of who you are or what you are capable of. Stop trying to make life happen. Trust only in God and what He wants to do for you.

Be encouraged to make room for His wishes. They will far exceed anything you can ask or think (Eph 3:20).


Friday, September 21, 2012

Day 20: Kindness...What A Novel Idea

They say that everyone will get their 15 minutes of fame. In today's media, it seems that so many people are getting more than their fair 15 though they seem to be doing nothing noteworthy. Do you know who I'm talking about? I'm talking about the lovely men and women (and now toddlers) of reality television. Now let me preface this by admitting that I'm a bit of a reality junkie and actually watch many shows. However, I do have a line. You see there are some shows where the people getting all the air-time and exposure are simply a hot mess. They do everything except honor God and manage to get paid to do it.

But as I began to meditate on the life of a reality star, I realized that many of them are here today and gone tomorrow. You see, they can't seem to sustain. They have no staying power--a fact that, in part, could probably be attributed to a simple lack of one character ingredient, lovingkindness. The Bible tells us in Proverbs 20:28 that "Mercy and truth preserve the king, And by lovingkindness he upholds his throne." So many of us are looking for that staying power and can't seem to get it. We try one thing and it seems to fizzle. We try another and just can't get things to flow for us. Our fuses seem to get shorter and shorter as the trials in our lives seem to get longer and longer.

What we know is that as Christians we are called to exhibit the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22) and kindness is a part thereof. And while we watch those who are the most negative or least benevolent in our lives get this or that earthly reward, what we can rest in is that our eternal reward is much greater and that our ultimate staying power far exceeds theirs.As we are tested in life, it is up to us to decide to make the wise decision to choose kindness over being rushed or rude. It is up to us to look beyond our schedules and schemes to find God's ultimate plan for our continued success. It's so simple (and certainly not a novel idea) that I'm almost ashamed to write about this but I feel as though someone out there needs a reminder about the extreme power of kindness.

Be encouraged as those tests come think on that old saying, "you catch more bees with honey," and make kindness a priority in your walk.


Thursday, September 20, 2012

Day 19: Return Home

I admit it. I've been pouting this evening...

Oh don't look at me in that tone of voice...It's not like I'm alone. So many of us are struggling. We are in places where we are waiting until 11:59pm minute to see God produce "just in the nick of time" miracles in our lives. And sometimes when we don't see our miracles once our countdown has run out (since we put God on a timer), we assume that He isn't in the business of answering prayers. Tonight, I was about to go down that road with God. I was about to ask, in my best self-entitled voice, the age old question of "Why?" (It's amazing that I would have the gall to think that God owes me an explanation. He surely does not.) However, what I realized was that it wasn't that He wasn't going to answer, it was that I had asked amiss to begin with. How often do we get to that point? We've asked God for this or that and He doesn't deliver like Santa Claus on Christmas morning so we slip into a space of doubt in God or depression around our dreams.

What I love about God is that He meets us where we are. As I was about to slide into that pouty place I read Proverbs 19:23 which says that "The fear of the Lord leads to life, And he who has it will abide in satisfaction; He will not be visited with evil." Oh how wonderful it would be to abide in satisfaction--what a glorious thought that you live there. But, just like our earthly homes, there are times when we walk out of the doors and have been presented with the opportunity to simply go back home when we're ready. When we make the intentional decision to focus on what God wants more than what we want, we open the door. When we face new days with room for God to change our prayers and our hearts, we step over the threshold. When we praise Him despite what we do or do not get and worship Him just because He's God, we take a seat and "abide".

I don't know about you, but I think I've decided to turn my pout into praise this evening, open the door, step over the threshold and abide in the satisfaction of the Lord. Be encouraged to do the same...


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Day 18: Time To Unpack

“Stuck”…It’s a four-letter word in spirit though made up of five. It’s so easy in life to hit moments when we you simply feel stuck. What’s more, getting “unstuck” can feel daunting and impossible. Beyond simply understanding that "nothing is impossible with Christ" (Luke 1:37), you must take steps to begin to wiggle out of that stuck position. This means you have to actively decide to unlock vision, unchain dreams and unpack the gifts that you’ve managed to stifle inside. There’s something in your heart, a passion that may even be accompanied by a skill set, that seems to be encased in a blanket of slumber (and reeking of moth balls). Do you remember it is there? Do you remember what it felt like to use that gift? Do you remember what it felt like to fly high on your dreams and let that flight catapult you into the next phase of your life? If you answered “no” to any of the above, perhaps it is time to rekindle your fire. Perhaps it is time to unpack the gift and give it the air it needs to breathe and grow wings. We’re told in Proverbs that “A man’s gift makes room for him, and brings him before great men.” (Pr 18:16).

Begin today by telling someone about that gift and putting it on display. Be encouraged to unpack and stay a while knowing that a room will be made for you soon.


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Day 17: Hold Your Peace

Have you noticed as we are reading that in this book on wisdom, one common theme seems to repeat itself over and over again? The final words of Proverbs 17 are a perfect example and spark the memory that this is not the first time we hear Solomon reference our talking aparatus. It poignantly reads:

Even a fool is counted wise when he holds his peace; 
when he shuts his lips, he is considered perceptive. (vs. 28)

It's enough to prompt a search of the chapters up to this point and determine that there are 69 references to mouth, lips and tongues in the chapters 1 through 17 and 112 references in all of Proverbs. Here is this book that is all about directing Christians in ways to make decisions--a book that serves as an ode to wisdom and understanding--and one of the repeated concepts is about the mouth. It thus becomes easy to draw the conclusion that God is sincerely interested in what it is that we have to say. Someone reading this is like me and needs this point to be driven home. We need our hearts to be sensitive to what is about to come from our lips. We need our minds to match our mouths and not have the disconnect that sometimes occurs when we speak before we think.

If you are looking to better understand what is going on in your life, perhaps it is time to hold your peace. Perhaps it is time to listen twice as much as you speak. Perhaps perception will come when peace proves powerful over what you will and will not say.

Be encouraged today to hold your peace...


Monday, September 17, 2012

Day 16: The Price Of Peace (Don't let 'em try you!)

What price would you pay for peace in your life? Does it seem like turmoil and trials have taken over the space where peace and freedom used to reside? There is an opportunity that presents itself each and every time we are presented with confrontation. Sometimes our desire to be right can even overshadow our desire to be godly. Our buttons get pushed and we are pushed to the limits. As a petulant teenager, one of my siblings used to say that someone "tried" them when adults confronted them about a fight they may have been in. And the truth is that so many of us are "tried" day in and day out even as adults, and we allow anger and pride to rule how we choose to respond in those situations. But today's word is brief and to the point: Proverbs 16:32 gives us instruction in wisdom that seems to speak directly to that very thing. It says, "He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city."

I appreciate that God associates power and might with the ability to respond beyond our angry places. Having temperance over emotions can serve as the biggest tool you have and make you mightier than even those who conquer cities. It seems hard to imagine that the simple idea of self-control empowers us to truly act in accordance with God's will. But it does. When we make decisions to not allow ourselves to be "tried" in a court of our emotions, we present our spirits with the sentence for freedom and peace. And that, right there, is priceless.

Be encouraged to choose temperance in the face of confrontation today...


Sunday, September 16, 2012

Day 15: There Is A Point

There are times in our lives where situations and circumstances we face have us wondering "what's the point?" Despite our good deeds and sacrifices (though minimal they may be), sickness still comes, death still happens, evil still runs rampant over the earth... It's almost enough to make one throw in the towel. But it is at moments like these when the ultimate inspiration shines through in God'd Word saying:

"The way of life winds upward for the wise, That he may turn away from hell below." Proverbs 15:24

The point of our journey towards wisdom and understanding is simple and to the point: it brings us closer to God and His goodness and further from those very evils that confound us. Today/yesterday, things happened in your life to make you pause, but don't allow that pause to make you skip a beat completely. Keep pressing forward knowing that the upward move of this walk is enough to keep you going.

Be encouraged,

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Day 14: Just Trust

I appreciate that the Bible operates with great internal integrity--addressing most issues in more than one way. The repetition is a clear reminder that God means what He says. Proverbs 3:5-6 talks about how we are not to rely on our own understanding but God's reality. I suppose it's a point that God wants to drive home because today's reading in Proverbs 14 reiterates that God is not interested in our plans. Verse 12 says that "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death." Perhaps you are like me and wondering which move to make next in your life. Perhaps the things you've done seem to be leading to the death of relationships, jobs, or (worse yet) hope. Perhaps you've done all that you can see to do. If that's the case then today is the best time to reignite your faith and direct your heart to God's plan. He said it once, twice and will continue to say it to us over and over again...trust God. It's the only way towards life.

Be encouraged to just trust Him. Period.


Thursday, September 13, 2012

Day 12: What You Talkin' 'Bout?

When you Google the question "How many words does the average person speak in a day?" the answer isn't too surprising. Most experts say that women speak about 20,000 words in a given day and men only 7,000. Without getting caught up on the disparity between male or female tongues, hearing that statistic prompts the next thought in my mind: "How many of those words are meaningful?" If I think back on my day, all of the "hello's" and random "did you know's" don't amount to much. At the end of the day, I have 20,000 chances to say what is the question I have been asking myself. Gary Coleman's famous line from the 1970's TV show Different Strokes rings in my ears: "Whatchootalkin' 'bout, Willis?!" Are these 20,000 ways that I've changed someone's life for the better? Or at least 500? Are these 20,000 ways where God got the glory? Or did He at least get a tithe of my words (i.e. 10%)? Or are these 19,990 empty epithets and passing thoughts? We tweet and update our statuses on a daily basis--a whole lot of words but are we saying anything? Proverbs 12 gives us pause saying:

          14a - Wise words bring many benefits...
          19a - Truthful words stand the test of time...

Both have to do with the words that we choose to use each and every day. Both have to do with the weight of words in our life. As you think of how you will spend tomorrow's seven or twenty thousand word "allotment", won't you consider that the ultimate test of your words is if they bring benefits? Who will be impacted for the good? The ultimate test of your words is if they stand the test of time. Will you speak life into someone's existence and hold your tongue on nay-saying? God being The Truth spoke approximately 774, 746 words (the Bible) that stand the test of time. Every Word He utters into your spirit, every assurance and every promise is "yeah and Amen" (2 Corinthians 1:20). You can bank on it! And while we may not be God, we have an opportunity each and everyday to use the breath He breathed into us wisely. Tomorrow, as you speak, remember to make at least a few of your words bankable.

Be encouraged to speak life.


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Day 11: Influence Now

I was listening to a preacher doing a series on boldness and he was speaking specifically about prayer today. He asked a poignant question: "What would be changed in the world if the prayers you prayed last week were answered?" For most of us, that answer would be pretty self-centered and/or would affect someone who we knew directly. His point was that we need to be bolder in our prayers. So it seemed like further confirmation as I was re-reading today's proverb to see the following:

"By the blessing of the influence of the 
upright and God's favor [because of them] 
the city is exalted..."
Proverbs 11:11a (AMP)

For years, I've heard people preach about Christians being the salt of the earth and talking about the scripture that challenges us to "flavor" up the world around us (Matthew 5:13). But, even in that, I know that I have thought small. Today, my prayer changed to a bolder prayer in which I want hundreds and thousands of lives to be influenced because of little 'ole me! I want to look back on my life and see that my impact was for cities upon cities and not just my own family and friends. I want to hear God say "well done." I want to see that God's glory extended beyond the four walls I call home to the four ends of the earth. I have taken very seriously the idea that we are to BE the church and that Acts 1:8 calls us to affect people on various levels of life--from those nearest to us and like us to those farthest away and different. But that starts with each day. That starts with even changing my prayers. Today, what are YOU praying for that will influence the world when God answers it? I challenge you to make a shift in your thinking. You are your brother's keeper...even if that brother is around the world.

Selah...and be encouraged!