Saturday, September 22, 2012

Day 21: Five Minutes...You're On

The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, Like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes.  
~ Proverbs 21:1 ~

Today I am reminded of a saying that I once wrote about. It was a phrase that one of my supervisors once told me a few years ago that I find great comfort and encouragement in when I reflect on it. She said, "It's five minutes until change." As long as we wait for life to change and for things to work out in our favor, it seems as though change takes a long time. However, change and blessings come in the instant of an eye. It simply takes one right decision, one nod from the right person, provision from the right direction and your life can change in a moment; and sometimes it's good to be reminded of that fact. As you wait and wish for life to happen around you, realize that it's all in God's hand. And, while it may take a lot of energy and pleading and prodding from us as humans to make change, when we leave it in God's hands then we allow Him to make His wishes come true. Proverbs says that God can turn the head of even the king to accomplish what He wishes. That means that you and I can stop trying to do the work. Stop beating your head against the walls trying to convince other people of who you are or what you are capable of. Stop trying to make life happen. Trust only in God and what He wants to do for you.

Be encouraged to make room for His wishes. They will far exceed anything you can ask or think (Eph 3:20).


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