Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year - Live Out Loud!


As we close out this year and enter into the new year, I kept hearing that this is the year of LIVING OUT LOUD and manifesting the FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT in uncommon ways. (The Bible tells us in Galatians 5 that the fruit of the Spirit is: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.) The number 14 means a double measure of spiritual perfection (7 x 2) and means deliverance and salvation. This is the year where your DECISION to live on and WITH purpose is what will lead you closer to attaining that double measure of deliverance and "spiritual perfection" that we all are working hard to get as we strive to be like Christ. Some of the things you've struggled with or needed answers about are tied to your obedience to manifesting the fruit of the Spirit with great intention and purpose.

This means you have a choice to make about what you will do with the gift of the fruit of the Holy Spirit that has been so freely given to you. I heard someone say once that the emotions we choose to let run our lives are like packages that get delivered to our doorstep. In many countries, when you receive an important package, the post man comes to your door and you have to sign for the package in order to receive it. Similarly, satan doesn’t have the power to just put things in your spirit. He comes to your back door of your heart and asks you to sign for the package that is filled with frustration or packages that are wrapped in anger and lies. But just like with the post man, you have the power to tell the devil “I’m not signing for that”. This year, you must remember that you can make a choice on what to accept. YOU HAVE THE POWER! You must be purposeful about the things you encounter this year. At every turn you must make a decision to LIVE LIFE ON PURPOSE. My saying for the year is that I'm "Livin life OUT LOUD so don't shush me!" You can't allow the enemy or the people he may use on this earth to derail you from God's purpose for your life. Part of that purpose means being an ambassador for Christ and bearing HIS fruit. If you've been hateful, you're gonna have to put on LOVE. If you've been over-indulgent, you're gonna have to put on SELF-CONTROL. If things have been running ragged and crazy all around you, you have to be the bearer of PEACE and so on...

Make 2014 the year you manifest the fruit of the Spirit in uncommon ways. Make 2014 the year where self-control helps you overcome your bad habits. Make 2014 the year where you express kindness and experience peace even in the midst of longsuffering. Make this a year where you are gentle with others and gentle with yourself—forgiving others and forgiving yourself.

Remember to LIVE OUT LOUD this year and don't allow anyone (but God) to silence you.

Be blessed in His presence and Happy New Year!
With love from the Congo,
Pastor Andrea

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Build To Order

"So make yourself an ark of cypress wood; make rooms in it and coat it with pitch inside and out. This is how you are to build it:...And Noah did all that the Lord commanded him...But God remembered Noah and all the wild animals and the livestock that were with him in the ark, and he sent a wind over the earth, and the waters receded."
Genesis 6:14-15a, 7:5, 8:1

The other day, I was assisting with the process of organizing chairs in a conference room. The conference room was average size and the chairs enough to sit approximately 350-400 people. As the process began, one of the ladies in charge began to explain to me their way of doing this. It would not be enough to simply "eyeball" the chairs and line the backs up in lines. The precision that the process demanded literally boggled my mind. She explained that we had to have at least 3 people to make the process work--two to hold ropes at either end of the room and the third to arrange the actual chairs in line. I stood there with my brow a bit furrowed as she and the others explained the process, on the edge of protest to say that it didn't have to be this complicated. Until the Lord began to deal with me. 

As He pierced my spirit, I tempered my tongue and simply fixed my face and followed instructions. While I couldn't truly grasp what the point was for the complicated process, I knew that it was an order that had been handed down from the leader of the organization. This was the way it was to be done. And as we completed our task and stood back, it became increasingly clear that the level of excellence that they demanded was well worth it. It was almost breathtaking to seek the whole room in such a state of order. While I would have been satisfied with approximations of lines, they were striving for consistency, excellence and obedience. I thought of all the times in the Bible where we read instances where God spoke and people obeyed--Solomon with the temple, Nehemiah with the wall...but Noah was at the top of my mind. When God said "this is how you do it", Noah did not respond "well why?" Instead, he moved forward in obedience down to the very cubit. And God remembered him in the end and "the waters receded."

Do you ever wonder what if things in the Bible had gone another way? What if Noah had not been as righteous? What if he had questioned God? Or what if he had proceeded but changed the measurements of the wood or only brought one horse instead of two? How many times do we have the opportunity to submit our will to that of others and/or God and we either do it reluctantly with questions of "why" along the way or we simply don't do it? How many times has God unctioned our spirits to proceed in one direction and we have turned to the other? How many times have we had supervisors who have given us instruction that we have grudgingly walked out when we could have simply submitted our spirits to authority with a smile? If you're anything like me, I'm sure you can point to a number of opportunities that you missed. So I'm here today to encourage you not to miss your next chance. Something or someone will come your way in in the coming week (or just came at you recently) and I want to challenge you to proceed in pure, uncontested obedience. Perhaps you are waiting for the waters (things that are overwhelming you) to recede but haven't built the boat to order. Imagine the "floods" of life that God will keep you from and bring you through if you simply obey. Selah...pause and think on this.


Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Going, Going, God

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. (Matthew 6:33)

A dear friend of mine said something that tickled me recently. She was being silly, as we often are, while also being serious. As a mother of three young children, wife, co-business owner, small group leader, daughter, sister and friend, her list of hats and commitments seems (at times) overwhelming. She like many of us has had those moments where you look up one day and all of a sudden you have on several hats and you're not even sure how they really got there; and you are aching to tag someone in on your life to take a turn at your life. Her words were that she wanted to "escape the tyranny of her to-do list".

We laughed as I prescribed Jesus as the only answer, but as I thought more and more about it, I realized that I know to many of you who are overwhelmed without an understudy to sub for you now and again. You are aching to get off the merry-go-round/roller coaster that has become your life. You go from one event to the next meeting to the next appointment and try to squeeze God in where you can. Some days He makes it in penciled in at the bottom, and still others not so much...

Today I want to give you a simple reminder...that same reminder that I gave to my friend in the midst of her moment. At the end of the day, God is greater than your to-do list. While you are aching to tag out, he is aching to tag IN. He's the best type of understudy who knows all the songs and can play your role better than you but who isn't trying to steal anything from you in the process. We serve a God who demands that we put him FIRST. I know it's hard to do, but this week I want to encourage you to carve out (at least) 5 minutes of quiet time before the kids awake, before you get your morning coffee, before you go for your morning run, before you even kiss your spouse "good morning". Greet God with a smile and offer Him your "to-do list". It may not slow down, but just that little time has the power to change how you feel going through it.


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Stuck In Neutral

When Jesus saw him lying there, and knew that he already had been in that condition a long time, He said to him, “Do you want to be made well?” The sick man answered Him, “Sir, I have no man to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up; but while I am coming, another steps down before me.” Jesus said to him, “Rise, take up your bed and walk.” And immediately the man was made well, took up his bed, and walked.
John 5:6-9

Anyone who has ever had car trouble knows that it’s never fun. But I have to admit that I was somewhat amused one of the more recent times that car trouble darkened my doorstep. You see, I’ve gotten to the point where I try not to worry about things that I cannot fix and simply wait (and expect) God to take care of matters. But I digress…this time, I was having trouble with the gear shift. The car was stuck in gear. Now, I know that doesn’t seem amusing, but the amusing part was when the Lord began to minister to me through the failed mechanics of my vehicle. You see, the car was stuck in NEUTRAL.

The motor was running fine and the car could drift wherever I pushed it, but it wouldn’t actually shift into drive. And I knew in my heart, that God was trying to get my attention and show me areas of my life where I had become stuck in a spiritual “neutral”—where I had become somewhat numb and allowed some of life’s ups and downs to dictate where I did or didn’t go. In the midst of my waiting season, I admit that apathy had begun in ways to set in. Just like my car, I was running just fine from the outside but had a glitch that meant I couldn’t go full steam ahead. It reminded me of the man at the pool of Bethesda who sat year after year waiting for something to happen instead of making it happen for himself.

At the end of the day, my car was an easy fix. One small part had gone awry. And God is saying to me and to you that it can be just that simple for us. How often in our lives do we allow one small element of our world to throw us completely off course or, worse yet, to stagnate us? Where is God trying to take you that has been hindered by a simple fix (ex. a different perspective, a new route, a different mindset)? Today, you have the opportunity to break out your tools and make a simple fix in your spirit. The Word of God and the fellowship with His children make all the difference in being able to move out of neutral. Be encouraged today to make the decision to surround yourself with the right folks and fill yourself with the right words. It can be as simple as that.


Friday, October 25, 2013

Where There's A Will...

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13

Over the years, I have been fortunate enough to go down some challenging routes of faith for God. My decision to follow Him was not predicated upon conditions of where/how I would be willing to go or not. I didn't say "I'll go if..." I've trusted Him (even when scared) as opportunities to do somewhat unrealistic things with my life or to venture to somewhat dangerous areas, during somewhat dangerous times. However, I am often surprised by the fact that the loudest voices of fear that I hear come from Christians. Their excitement for what God is doing in/through me is often tempered by love and words of caution. As a human being, it makes me smile and feel cared for, but as I listened to the last of these "lectures of love" most recently from a relative, I couldn't help but feel a little sad as well.

You see, there are some verses of scripture that just about every Christian can recite (even if they don't know where it's found in the Bible). Philippians 4:13 is one of those verses. But I often find myself wondering if we really believe what we recite. Do we believe that small three letter word that defines what we are capable of...A-L-L? When David faced Goliath with stones, He didn't cower in fear but conquered in courage (I Sam 17). When Abraham was told to leave all he knew to be precious and "go", he didn't didn't rest on a "woe is me" song but instead started singin' "On the road again..." (Gen 12). When Esther was asked to stand against all odds before a king in the face of death, through her own fear/hesitation, she rose to the challenge "for such a time as this" (Esther 4). And when Christ himself faced the cross, he did so saying "not my will by Thy Will be done" (Luke 22:42).

From Genesis to Revelations, we have that "great crowd of witnesses" that the Bible talks about (Heb 12:1) who testify to how God can both grant supernatural victories in the face of defeat and bless you beyond your wildest dreams while doing it. The key to being able to really live that Scripture out is simply to do it. There is no magic solution. This week alone, there have been forces coming against you to stop you from doing things (big and small) that line up with God's Will for your life. And time and time again, you've allowed the small voices of fear and doubt to overrule the "still small voice" of God unctioning you further in Him. God wants to help you do the impossible. He wants you to take your eyes off the greatness of the end result and just do what He told you to do. Take that leap of faith to find what you need waiting for you at the top of your jump. What's waiting are the fruit of His promises and the relief of your destiny. Be encouraged this week to plow forward into ALL THINGS with abandon that shows you truly believe that you can do it all through Him.


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Trust Your Voice

When I was in high school, I was quite active in the drama department. One year, I tried out for our spring musical. I prepared my song with much angst and decided to try out for the chorus with the the thought that I couldn't possibly be able to carry a major role. Though I had been in choir and knew I could sing, somewhere in the back of my mind, teenage doubt began to seep in. I wondered if I would be good enough. The day of the audition, I was shaking in my boots. My anxiety reached new heights and it showed. As I sang my song, my nerves kicked in and I unintentionally sang the song one key higher than I had practiced. It wasn't flawless, but I finished it nonetheless.

The director and music director both looked at me, shaking their heads with smiles. I will never forget that they then asked me why I hadn't auditioned for one of the lead roles. I nervously admitted to my anxiety and the feeling of not being good enough. They shared with me that, with training and practice to get my nerves under wraps, I was more than capable of doing the job. I was cast in one of the lead roles and was understudy for the leading role. The play went off with flying colors, but it was more than just a play. It began the long journey of teaching me to trust my own voice and to trust the gifts God has given to me.

This lesson came back to mind recently as I was called upon to serve in a ministerial position that I'm less comfortable with than standard teaching/preaching--prophecy. Though I recognize this as a part of my calling and have accepted it as a gifting from the Lord, it is often easy for me to talk myself out of saying what "thus says the Lord" and insert myself into the picture (telling myself "Oh that's not really God, that's just me thinkin' something or other..."). However, this time I was tired of reverting back to the scared me and took the bull by the horns, praying God would grant me holy boldness to flow according to his will. I heard the Spirit remind me, "TRUST MY VOICE"peace. At the end of the day, I felt such a lightness. As I flowed in the giftings, a feeling that I can only describe as "right" or like coming home overtook me. As I flowed, there was genuine

How many times do we second guess ourselves and, consequently, second guess God? How many times does God have to tell us to flow boldly in Him? What is he telling YOU to do or say that you have been second guessing? Well don't even dwell on that. I'm here to remind you that you are good enough! Today is a new day. Today is the day you remember to be encouraged because the Holy Spirit in you will not lead you astray and only wants to fill you with "liberty". (II Corinthians 3:17) Today is the day to decide you will not revert to the old you and you will flow with confidence in the creation He has crafted. Today is the day that you must decide that 'greater is He that is in you' than even YOURSELF, your flesh and your doubts (1 John 4:4). Today is the day you must silence the voice of doubt in your mind and pursue Him with a fervor like none other. Today trust the voice of the Holy Spirit in you. I promise you that there is a reward of peace and joy on the other side of your obedience.


Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Emotional Work In Progress

"Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me."
Psalm 51:10
I'm struggling to write this...probably because I'm in the middle of it. As much as I hate to admit it, I find myself the middle of trying to let go of negative emotions. Emotion...It's one of the greatest things that remind us of our humanity and challenges us in our need for a redeemer. Over the last couple of weeks, there have been a couple incidences with friends who have offended me. Most times, offenses can roll off my back. But there are times when it's just not that easy. And it's not about the other person. In most cases, when people offend, they do so unintentionally. So the question becomes one of self-preservation and personal spiritual development: What do you do when offense takes over where grace normally resides? How does a Christian respond when anger takes over or when disappointment seeps into the crevices of our souls? 

As I sit in the midst of my offense, I have been truly at war and praying to win this little battle of flesh against spirit. But what God reminded me was that I couldn't do this alone. There are times when you're in a pit so deep that you feel like your prayers can't even reach through to God. So instead of stewing in my mess, I reached out to a friend for prayer who reminded me of David's plea to God for a "clean heart" and a "renewed spirit". Every time my emotions have started to creep back in, I've been fighting with the best weapon I have--God's Word. Lord, in this moment clean my heart and renew my spirit. Lord, in this moment make intercession for me. Lord, in this moment help my anger not to lead me to sin...

It's definitely a work in progress and it's an active process. But what I know is that God is faithful to us in our desire to make spirit the winner over flesh. So I wanted to encourage you in this day that no matter who/what has offended you, in the past or present, make a decision to take action and choose His Spirit over your emotions. Choose life over death and light over darkness. Stand on God's Word and He will renew and clean you if you let Him.

Be encouraged and encourage someone else in this day.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Journey To Praise

"Enter into His gates with thanksgiving,
And into His courts with praise.
Be thankful to Him, and bless His name."
Psalm 100:4

The other day I woke up and felt a little disconnected...okay maybe more like a lot disconnected. I began the day as I often do--reading my devotional. But even as I read I still couldn't shake that feeling. There are times when, even in the midst of going to church or reading our bibles, we simply aren't "feelin it" and definitely can't put our finger on what's missing. Sometimes we simply need a little nudge from the Lord to help us get back on track. I was searching for my nudge.

As I read I Chronicles 6, something jumped off the page in verses 55-57. It wasn't a phrase that anyone would really take note of beyond me. It wasn't one of our many super-quoted verses that stuck out. Instead in the midst of talk about lineage and 'who begot who' and the division of property was a part that said "They gave them Hebron in the land of Judah, with its surrounding common-lands...one of the cities of refuge". A smile grew on my face as I felt the nudging of God. You see, in my current journey away from what had been my home for 13 years, God told me to come to Hebron. I hadn't heard of such a place until my brother and his family moved to a neighboring city of Hebron, KY. The significance of this may mean nothing to anyone else. However upon closer look at the verses showed that Hebron (the biblical one) was a city in Judah and "Judah" means praise. I smiled even greater as I left my room to hear that my family made plans for us to go visit with another family member who lives in Hebron proper that day. And so...in the midst of my disconnect, the Lord reached through the pages of His Word and nudged me into a space of refuge and a place of praise.

I can't tell you where your "nudge" will come from. It probably won't look like mine. But what I do know is that when we commit to the process of devoting time to Him in prayer and reading his Word, He will meet us right where we are. He wants to take us to places of refuge in Him. He doesn't have to shout from the rooftops. He doesn't have to beat us over the head with it. At the end of the day, the thing that reconnects us all from that place of disconnect is plain and simple...PRAISE.

Be encouraged on your journey to praise.


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Next Step Only

"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble."  (Matthew 6:34)

I've been trying to get in shape. Today's goal? Do at least 2 miles and jog most of that. I'm good at walking but I set a goal to amp up my jog-factor today and was determined to make that happen. It was a good day for it. The sun was hiding behind some clouds but it didn't look menacing, so I set out on my trek. About a half mile in, the clouds opened up and sprinkles began to fall. I knew it could get worse and thought that it may be a good idea to turn around while I was still somewhat dry. But I remembered my goal and kept going. And sure enough, the heavens decided to shower me with moist blessings just about the point where I turned around to head back home for the second half of my jog. The rain pelted in my face and I decided that the best way for me to make it (and not pull over and call someone to come get me) was to simply focus on my feet.

You see, when I looked ahead, the road seemed a bit ominous--like the end would not come soon enough. However, when I focused on my feet, all I was concerned about was the next step. Though the rain was pouring, I just needed to take the next step. Though the cars were wooshing buy angrily spitting more water in my face, it was all about the next step. Though my clothes began to cling to my curves in ways I wasn't trying to show the world, my focus was on the task at hand.

And the Lord spoke in the midst saying that, right now, that's what He needs me to do in my life. I spent the last few days getting frustrated about things I could only minimally control. I had begun to get overwhelmed by the larger task and that made me want to sit it out and do nothing (well except eat ice cream, that is). Today's lesson was about putting one step in front of the other. Sometimes we get so long-sighted...we are so focused on the big thing that's to come (the bills that need to be paid, the wedding we're planning, the house we're buying, the raise we want, the career move that's around the corner, the move we're making, etc.) that we fail to simply live in the moment. I know that God has shown me the ultimate goal, but today I can only be concerned about today. Today, I can only put one foot in front of the other. Today, despite what obstacles may come my way and despite whatever storm is brewing, I can only do what I can do.

Today, I encourage you to do what you can and leave the rest up to God. Today, focus on the task at hand and don't allow the ultimate goal to weigh you down. Get your mind right and focus.


P.S. Don't forget that, if this said something to you, don't forget to "pay it forward" and send it along to a friend or family member who may just need a bit of encouragement.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Special Announcement

Greetings All!

I'm so very excited to announce that, as I celebrate 4 years since it was written, I finally have made my book, In The Process of Time: Victory Through Your Waiting Season available for digital release on Amazon.com and Kindle devices. I do hope that you will spread the word and share with a friend. No matter who you are, if you know me or not...I think God has a Word fr you in this book. The book was definitely a labor of love and faith...one whose words even sometimes come back to minister to me every now and again. I hope the same can be said for you.


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Faith = "Do It Scared"

For in it the righteousness of God is revealed 
from faith to faith; as it is written, 
“The just shall live by faith.” 
Romans 1:17

The other week, I got a chance to spend some wonderful "catch up" time with my friend Cassandra. I'm not a big phone girl, but every once and a while I get on these marathon chats with dear friends from near or far and really catch up on life. And as we chatted and testified one to another, she said something that stuck with me. She called what I'm going through and what she's going through by name. She said we are "doing it scared". 

Came across this painting by Herschberger that says it all
I haven't been able to shake her words. I told her then that I would steal it but in reality I just think that it's worth repeating. You see, both of us have had so many people ask us "how are you doing this?" People look at her incredulously as she explains that she's an older woman who has decided to go to medical school when most are deciding to retire. People look at me like I've lost my mind when I say that I'm not exactly sure what the next step is but that I just heard God say "go" so I'm doing it. It's an unnerving space to be in. Though fear sometimes tries to sneak in and steal a piece of my heart, I remind myself constantly that my faith must overpower it...that 'greater is He that is within me' (1 John 4:4). I described it as feeling like I'm floating through life with God alone as my safety net.

At the end of the day, there's no massive secret to this space we're in. You see, what it boils down to plain and simple 'ole faith. And I'm sure you're tired of hearing about it, but I can't preach/teach faith enough. It's more than a way to describe your religion...It's more than a principle, it's a lifestyle. You can't decide to embrace faith one day and shake it off the next day. Well you can but it doesn't do you much good. When you've really embedded yourself in faith and faith embedded itself in you, it means that you don't always understand what's ahead of you but it's alright. You don't always know where the resources are going to come from. You don't always know what people will stick around, who will go by the wayside, or who will resurface. You can't predict how it's all going to end. But WHEN GOD SAYS IT, YOU JUST DO IT anyway. Do it despite the fact that you don't understand and are shaking in your boots. Do it scared!

God will honor your faith. Be encouraged today to take that step closer towards Him despite your fears.


P.S. If this spoke to you, praise God. If not...then perhaps it's for your friend so be a gem and forward it along. :) Thanks!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Riding In The Glory

And the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead the way, and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so as to go by day and night. ~Exodus 13:21

The road was straight before me as I began a new chapter in my life. The day was bright and my heart filled with expectation as I pulled away from the place that I had lived for so long. And as the trip began, I got so very excited. You see, a friend of mine had allowed me to have their sign that read "Glory Zone". In anticipation of my trip, I had placed it in my vehicle in the front window. And I began to get excited about the prospect of the glory of God going before me wherever the road may lead.

I realized not long into the trip that I felt much like the Children of Israel must have felt. I felt as though my car was covered by God's grace and mercy and that every step away was a step towards God. It's hard to describe except to say that I felt like I had a pillar of a cloud and fire leading the way. Even as flash storms hit, the reflection of the sign in the front window seemed to almost clear a path ahead in a symbolic way. It truly felt as though we had been riding with His glory.

So often, we get ahead of God or fall behind. We either move too quickly and try to make things happen that we think God is saying for our lives or we lag behind as though our spiritual feet are in quick sand. But what God wants us to remember is that how we move is like a dance with Him--He moves, we move (just like that). We have to be so in tuned with our partner (the Lord) that we move with the cloud and stay put when it does the same. In fact, there's a passage of scripture in Isaiah that says that if we put righteousness ahead of us, 'the glory of the Lord will be our rear guard'. As we traverse the terrain of this battlefield of life, when we put our ego and selfish desires to the side and focus fully on God getting the glory, it is that very glory that protects us. I read somewhere that the "rear guard" of an army is often responsible for ensuring that the lines of battle are secure.

Today, God wants to secure your situation. He wants to cover you with the pillar that keeps you moving in the right direction. He is yearning for you to ride in the glory zone. To get in the zone, it takes focus, it takes faith and it takes fortitude. You have to be willing to put aside your own "stuff" and trust God in all aspects of your life. It's easier said than done, but today be encouraged that it is possible to live and ride consistently in the glory zone if you press through and believe that He has truly got your back.


Thursday, August 1, 2013

Don't Sit In It

"Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you."
Philippians 4:8-9

One of the down sides to public transportation is that it tends to be a somewhat grimy experience. Even in the nicest of trains, planes and automobiles there's something about the fact that it is a shared space that has often left me feeling like I need a shower or hand sanitizer at the very least. Most times during my days on public transportation, I found myself going through a small ritual of examining seats carefully for the best of the worst and steering clear of any seat that seemed suspect because of moisture or a spot that didn't look quite right. And I wasn't alone. I'd watch as most riders would do the same--opting to stand over a long ride than sit in a mess.

When it comes to our outside environment, we are quick to draw reasonable boundaries that help us to stay out of germ's way. So it occurred to me that it's odd that we don't translate that same meticulous nature to our emotional and spiritual environments alike. There are times when we wallow in negativity and allow ourselves to be consumed by the mayhem of life. But the scripture advises us differently. We are to meditate on things that are true, noble, pure, lovely and just plain good. I realize that that is easier said than done. There are things in life that seem to plague our minds and bog us down. Perhaps it is the financial concerns on how you are going to make ends meet. Or maybe a relationship that has you consumed. But despite the fact that these things consume us, God is not consumed. He is concerned but not consumed. He hasn't forgotten about you in the midst of your trial. He knows the end already and is watching as time catches up with the blessings He has preordained.

Today, be encouraged to check around the seat of your life and refuse to ride in mess. Though concerns may come, cancel consumption. Though your nature may be to lose sleep, allow God to give you great rest and know that, if you let Him, the God of peace will be with you through it all.


Thursday, July 11, 2013

The Blessing Never Stops

The lazy man does not roast what he took in hunting,
But diligence is man’s precious possession.
- Proverbs 12:27 -

I recently heard about a friend’s choice to leave their job. It was a job that God had clearly spoken into their life. The job was intended to be a gateway for blessing. However, the Word of God came to them saying that the job would first be a test and a cesspool of trials. They went in knowing that the job was made to stretch them and their own human sensibilities. And so I was sad as I thought of how easily/quickly this person seemed to have given up on God. But then I quickly remembered that I’ve done the same. I realized that there are times when I know others must be saddened by my decision to abandon my blessing in the midst of the struggle.

Have you ever questioned your blessings? I mean, really…be honest. Have you ever thought that something was a blessing from the Lord…no…you knew it was only something that God could have provided; then at some point into the manifestation of that blessing, you began to have some doubts? Perhaps you were almost homeless with bad credit when the Lord orchestrated a wonderful home for you that was fully paid for? Or maybe you met and married “the one” and knew that God had made a way for you beyond your single life? It could have been the child that you prayed so hard for, that you were prophesied to about, who finally arrived after infertility diagnoses from the doctors? Maybe a bill was paid that you truly believed God had made a way for? No matter what it was, you gave God all the glory for the blessing.

But some time after the house started showing signs of a leaky roof, the husband signs of infidelity, the child signs of addiction and truancy, and the bills never quite turning right side up you began to question the blessing. You began to question God. “God I know I prayed for this job after being unemployed for two years but now the folks on this job are getting on my nerves!” It’s at that time that I’ve often seen people develop amnesia. How quickly we forget that the very thing we curse with our mouths was the same thing that once blessed us so deeply.

I drove through a neighborhood the other day and saw this man sitting in a huge lawn on a bucket. He appeared to be pulling weeds. And as I drove back through that subdivision a few hours later, he was still at it and again a couple of hours thereafter. His task seemed daunting to me. He didn’t have a huge hoe or special chemicals to combat his lawn with. He used the tools God had given him (his hands) and slowly, diligently made his way across his lawn. As I watched him I could imagine that his diligence was a sign that he cherished his home/lawn and perhaps even cherished the process. As I passed him, the Lord said that’s how I want you to cherish the process.

Sometimes, you may feel like you have been shorted on tools, you may think that this huge blessing has suddenly become a curse, you may believe that God has forsaken you. But today I want to remind you that God wants you to cherish the process, to act with diligence and to continue to praise Him despite how daunting the task ahead may seem. In fact...allow diligence to be your precious possession just as Proverbs 12:27 says. Remember that your blessing never stopped being a blessing…you simply have to continue to adjust your vision to keep seeing it that way.

Be encouraged,
Pastor Andrea

Friday, June 28, 2013

Move On The Nudge

What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?   
Romans 8:31

I was driving home last night and was simply overwhelmed by...well...nothing in particular. My heart simply felt full and I just felt a great sense of peace and joy wash over me. It's the best feeling in the world and I realized that it has happened more and more as I have had less and less control over my life. The more I have relinquished my life over to God, the more He has brought me that inexplicable peace and overwhelming joy. The more that I have not tried to "figure it out", the more I've seen how He's got my back and got it fully covered. There in my car, I had to take a moment in repentance as I thought back over the years and began to wish that I had been braver, smarter, more trusting, more prepared, wiser (and so on) than I was in the past. I began to think of how grateful I was to be in this season where I am fully surrendered (mostly...haha) to Him and all that it took to get me to this point.

You see, the surrender did not come as willingly as I know God would have liked. Being gracious, God began years ago nudging me here and nudging me there. In retrospect, I see that some of the moves I'm so proudly walking into (with the bruises to show for the hard work it took) today really could have been glided into a little smoother years ago. Back then God was only nudging so I stayed still or, in some cases, moved an inch when He was trying to get me a mile out. While there is wisdom in knowing when to stand still and when to move, I began to think of all the times that life's transitions may have been easier for me if I had moved at the first (or even second) nudge instead of the last push.

The mere nature of a nudge is gentle and smoother than the sudden roughness of a push. Pushes have the potential to knock you down. Pushes have the potential to bring bruising and pain. Pushes have the potential to separate you from a group quicker/harder/more distinctly. Pushes just plain hurt. With that in mind, why did I not move on the softer, smoother nudges of God in the past? Why did it take a shove or two to really jar my awareness and direct me towards His Will? It's as simple as one word: FEAR.

Man! That sneaky little devil of fear has had so much power. Sometimes he brings his little imp friend, DOUBT, with him. But truly, neither of them is welcome in my soul any longer and should not longer be welcome in yours. These days I am declaring that I am making moves on an inkling of what God wants and not always waiting for full assurance. These days I'm walking boldly in the things of God knowing that "if God be for me, who can be against me". These days I'm declaring that I trust in God to catch me even if I fall. I don't know what you are facing. I don't know what your situation looks like. I don't know what that inkling in your mind or that tug in your heart is telling you. No matter what you are dealing with, today is a good day to shift your mindset and declare a new thing in your life. Even as you read this, some thing(s) have specifically come to mind that God is trying to get you to move on. He's been nudging. He wants to have you move on the small voice instead of the holler. Take it from me...move on the nudge and don't wait for the push.

Be encouraged,
Pastor A

P.S. If this spoke to you, don't forget to pass it forward and share that word with someone you know.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Keep Flowing

Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. ~Psalm 51:10

To say I'm excited is an understatement! There are so many things on the horizon, and I'm anticipating God's goodness and mercy to follow me and his blessings to overtake me just as He promised. But recently, I came face-to-face with a glitch in my system...something that could have the potential to stop my progress cold in it's tracks. It's a killer to many dreams. You can't see it. It's odorless but has a foul aroma to God. You can't really put your finger on it sometimes. And, even when you think you've taken care of it, it has a nasty way of recurring like a cancerous disease that comes out of remission. It's a sneaky poison that has the power to eat away at your very soul and hinder your forward movement. Just like build up in an artery or vein, it can stop your flow. Can you guess what that thing is?

When I wasn't looking, I messed around and took offense at someone's behavior and have not been able to shake it. I keep telling myself "WWJD?" and taking "woo sahh" moments to rid myself of any rising feelings. Then just when I think that I'm over it, that little twinge in my heart returns to remind me that it's still there--lurking in the background. Maybe it's just me who has a person (old flame, friend, sister, brother, mother, father, boss, coworker, bus driver...whoever) who even the very sight of their name makes me feel "some kind of way"? The idea of true forgiveness can seem illusive when you've taken offense. Offense is like plaque in the human artery. It has power beyond what you would ever anticipate. 

It's like when you look at someone and think that they look so healthy only to hear later that they had suffered a heart attack or stroke. Something as small as the journey of a drop of blood through their system dramatically alters that person's world. The blockages in their hearts or brains, though undetectable to the human eye, result in years of recovery, slowed motor skills and so much more. Their internal flow completely shifts their outer flow.  Similarly the complexities of the human spirit are equally amazing. That same person who you think has it all together on the outside may be the most broken on the inside. People have spiritual breakdowns that mimic physical ones (and sometimes even play out in physical ways). The blockages in their hearts and minds, though undetectable to the human eye, result in years of recovery, slowed progress and so much more. Again, their internal flow completely shifts their outer flow.

Now I never profess to be that person who appears to have it all together, but I'm like so many of you who try to put your best face forward--not always wanting to reveal on the outside all that is going on inside. But as a result, that spiritual plaque build up makes its way into my system. And as I considered all that I had on the horizon, I knew that I couldn't afford to let my flow be impeded. And as I prayed, the Lord reminded me of the words of David: Create in me a clean heart, Oh God; and renew a right/steadfast spirit in me. You see, at the end of the day, I know that I have no power over my heart. The bible describes the heart as deceitful and wicked (Jeremiah 17:9). However, that doesn't absolve me of the responsibility to get my heart right. A person with hypertension or heart disease isn't left to their own devices. They are prescribed medication, surgery or lifestyle changes that will lead towards healing. The Word of God is our medication, God is our surgeon and we are responsible for making lifestyle changes.

No matter the source of the offense, it can sometimes be difficult to move forward. However, we simply cannot allow small things to be big hindrances. As God cleans our hearts, He is also renewing that steadfast spirit within us that helps us to push through to forgiveness even when we don't really want to. We have to actively make the decision to have our lifestyles reflect ones of constantly submitting our hearts to God. Not just one time but everytime that offense rears its ugly head, we must take spiritual action against it. If it means I have to pray every time that little twinge pops up, I'll pray. If you have to quote Psalm 51:10, quote it. Either way, today is the day to make a commitment to not let your inner flow stop your outer flow.

Be encouraged.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Why So Surprised? HE IS GOD!

I will sing of the LORD's great love forever; with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations.
Psalm 89:1

When I left home yesterday morning, I have to admit to being a bit blue. The previous couple of days (more than that if I'm being honest) had been particularly "heavy". There was no major event to explain why that was the case but it was more about the season I have been in weighing on my shoulders and simply trying to maintain my faith. Like so many other days before, I had had a bit of a melt down the previous day about my transportation situation--crying out to God that I was still waiting for the promise of a car that He had given me and that my fortitude in the wait was wearing thin. And so as I began my trek that morning to the bus stop, a small speck of white on the sidewalk caught my eye.
As I looked down, there was a small bead with the letter A inscribed on it. This random little speck made me stop, back track and take a picture. There was something about it that made me feel like God was whispering directly to me that morning that I was on His mind and that He hadn't forgotten me. Feeling the way I had recently, I could use every piece of encouragement I could get from God so I snapped the picture and kept on moving--this time with a little less weightiness dragging me down. As I made my way up the road, I was still a bit down but just that much more encouraged that God hadn't forgotten me. I took one bus then stood waiting on my connecting bus feeling worn out and the day had not even really begun.

The ringing of my phone would next change the trajectory of the entire day as a friend called to tell me that she and her husband wanted to bless me with their "old" (yet new to me) mini-SUV! I thought I was hearing things. Tears began to overwhelm me as she explained how I had been on her heart to do this for me the last three months and basically how God made a way for it to be possible. Her husband had blessed her with a new, bigger truck for Mother's Day and was in agreement that they should give the old one to me instead of using it as a downpayment on the new one. My prayers had availed and God's promise had been manifested just that quickly. When I shared the news with one of my friends last night, she almost made me feel stupid saying 'duh...you SAID He was gonna do it!' and I told her that my awe was not in the belief but because I was overwhelmed by His faithfulness.

As I awoke this morning, God reminded me of the scripture in II Kings 4 where the prophet told the Shunamite woman after her being barren for so long that "this time next year" she would hold a son. True to that prophetic word, by the time he returned the next year, she had had her son. Last year the weekend of Mother's Day, my old car died and God told me to get rid of it. He also told me that he would replace it (though I did not know when). So this time last year, God was telling me to trust Him and this time this year He is reminding me that that trust is never misplaced. As "crazy" as prophesy sounds at times, He was very specific in putting a small SUV in my heart and said that something I did in ministry would be result in someone blessing me. When my friend gave me the news yesterday, she expressed those same thoughts.

When we move in obedience and do what He tells us, He remains faithful to take care of us. Period. Though our obedience should never be about earthly rewards, we have to keep in mind that God uses us in life plants seeds and unlock our own blessings. And it's not about what we are going to "get" as much as it about the potential for lives to be impacted for God's glory. In the end, I'm going to nickname this car "Faith" as a constant reminder to me of how God is faithful. The car is a "little" thing in God's sight. The promises He has given me are much bigger than my transportation, but God in his infinite grace and mercy saw fit to throw me a bone and lift some weights yesterday and simply remind me that He is God. I couldn't leave my house this morning without "singing of the LORD's great love" (as it says in the Psalm above) and encouraging you in this season. We can believe Him. There's no need to be surprised when He makes good on His promises both big and small.

Be encouraged that you are on God's mind and He has not forgotten you.

Pastor A

P.S. Some of you remember that I even wrote about my car before. You can see that entry at http://lhmdevotional.blogspot.com/2012/06/when-is-enough-enough.html.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

New Way Home

There is a recurring lesson that has been coming at me recently-FLEXIBILITY. It's one that was driven home to me on a ride home one evening. After meeting a friend for dinner, I decided to take a different route home. I turned down a ride to the nearest subway station just out of a desire to learn something new. I didn't know the schedule of that particular bus but stood at the stop "on faith" that something would soon come along to pick me up. And, I was pleased at my choice as I gazed out of the windows to see the sun going down. It was a peaceful ride home filled with this weird sense of wonder. This new route was a winner, and the Lord began to remind me about the necessity for flexibility and courage in this season of life. So many of us are in spaces where God is pushing us to be a little bit more adventurous in this walk towards Him (i.e. "home"). We've been doing the same things and expecting different results (a.k.a. insanity) and God looking for more flexibility. You may feel like you can't bend any further, that you've been as flexible as you can possibly be. It's at that point that God pushes us to take one more step, stand at the new stop, and wait for him to take us away on a new journey. Be encouraged that when you stand "on faith", HE will be that very thing that very thing that you are seeking...that peaceful ride full of wonder awaits us on the other side of courage and faithfulness. Today, make a decision to take a new way home.

"I will bring the blind by a way they did not know..." Isaiah 42:16a

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Anxious to Hear

"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7

Have you ever been anxiously awaiting someone's call? Perhaps it was a fine man or woman you thought might be "the one", the job you knew would take you to that next level of success, the doctor with test results in your favor, or any number of opportunities that awaited you on the other end of the line. We've all been there eyeing the phone like a watched pot that never seems to boil. And you think if you state hard enough, you can will it to sound. Or sometimes it is the other way around, and you are on the sending side--nervous about making a call out. The anticipation of the call is connected to your hope for the answer.

Similarly, there are times when we hesitate to pray, allowing time to get away from us or sleep to overtake us or "busy"ness to get in the way of making that outgoing call to God. Maybe He won't pick up? Perhaps He won't answer? Worse yet, perhaps He WILL? We remain silenced by our anticipation and fears.

But the thing to remember about God is that He is always on the other side of that line, anxiously awaiting your call. He WANTS to hear from you. He wants to be a part of your process and not simply an afterthought or consultant. He wants to give you PEACE and REST through your prayers. The scripture promises"peace that surpasses understanding" and compels us to "Come to (the Lord) all who labor and are heavy laden, and (he) will give you rest." (Mattew 11:28) You have been laboring and feeling the weight of the world (disguised as your life) on your shoulders. God is standing by in "ready mode" to tap in and take over that weighty feeling if you let Him. Unlike us awaiting the mate or job or tests, He doesn't NEED our call. But it is so much sweeter that He WANTS it.

Today, be encouraged to surrender your anxieties and fears and call Him up.

Pastor A

P.S. Today is the National Day of Prayer. Forward this blog to those who YOU are praying for and encourage them in the Lord.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Move Without Delay

There's a snippet of scripture in the book of Judges that always catches my eye. It's somewhat obscure in that I don't think that I've ever heard it preached, but it is interesting to say the least. The book as a whole is filled with story after story of the children of Israel's struggle between obedience and disobedience/doing evil. True to form, they were evil in God's sight then they repented, cried out to God, He heard their cry and raised up a deliverer (Ehud) from among them. Interestingly, Ehud killed the king behind closed doors and managed to slip out without being noticed. In fact, some time that had gone by before anyone even noticed that the king was dead. And, as a result, Ehud got away:

"But Ehud had escaped while they delayed..." (Judges 3:26)

It's a small portion of scripture but so poignant to me and has me asking: How many times have we missed things in life because we delayed? How many times did we allow something precious of ours (as the king was to his peop
le) to die because we were not vigilant? This week, God will be giving you direction in small ways. His voice may not be clear but this is where your faith has to fill in the gaps of confidence and clarity and MOVE WITHOUT DELAY. This week, make a choice to not allow opportunities to pass you by simply because you failed to act with vigilance with the things God has blessed you with. Walk with confidence and assurance instead of fear and defeat.Be encouraged to move in boldness--not allowing the enemy any room to steal, kill or destroy that which God has ordained for your life.


Thursday, April 11, 2013

No Explanation Necessary

He shall be like a tree Planted by the rivers of water, That brings forth its fruit in its season, Whose leaf also shall not wither; And whatever he does shall prosper. ~ Psalm 1:1-3

There are times in all that we do when we feel that pressure to answer for our actions. Why did you do that? Where did that decision come from? What were you thinking? The questions about life's choices plague our ears from without and our minds from within. And the problem is that we don't often know what to say to ourselves or anyone else (for that matter) especially when the answer is based in God. The pressure to clearly articulate and explain our faith walk in a way that makes sense to those around us can be overwhelming.

As Christians there are times when the opportunity to attribute choices to God comes and goes with our silence. It's easier to not answer than to say "God said" and deahl with the skepticism and doubt that we at times may face. We think no one will fully understand the decision to be fully guided by the Holy Spirit. But this week's point of prayer is a simple reminder that you don't owe anyone an explanation for the things God is doing. You only owe God the glory. At the end of the day, your victory will tell it's own story...your testimony will shout of your faith and God's goodness from the rooftop. In the mean time, you don't have to explain yourself for doing what God said.

This week, choose to walk in the confidence of God. Let the Spirit guide you with freedom--standing like that tree planted with leaves that don't wither and whose fruit will be the ultimate explanation for Who God is in your life and all that He is capable of doing.

Be encouraged,

Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Task To Believe

"And since we have the same spirit of faith, according to what is written, 'I believed and therefore I spoke,' we also believe and therefore speak"
II Corinthians 4:13

Over the last couple of months there have been so many changes in my life. Most of those changes have mandated how I view my life. I've had to reconfigure the lens through which I see what God is (or is not) doing and find ways to be okay with that. And, if I'm honest, in the midst there is a part of me that has been losing ground--my ability to believe. Now, I'm sure that it's sacrilege for an ordained minister of the Gospel to make such an admission. God often compels me to preach and teach around the very topic of belief. It is certainly not lost on me that the power to believe in what God says and in what the tenants of the Christian faith suggest are cornerstones to being victorious in this journey. However, when we put that faith into action, there are times when the monstrosity of our problems and circumstances seems to dwarf the fortitude of our faith--casting a shadow over life that begins to dim our ability to see God clearly.

In this equation, God hasn't changed and never will. However, I came to the realization that I was having a difficult time truly believing that God wanted to do the things He has said for, with and through me. I have no trouble believing in the ability of God to take care of me and my situation. His omnipotence and sovereignty are never in question. However, I find myself constantly thinking of the three Hebrew boys and the fiery furnace--before being sentenced to the fiery furnace, they told the king that they trusted God to be able to bring them out and knew that the only way that they wouldn't make it out was if he didn't want them to. (Daniel 3:8-25) With them in mind, I've often put a caveat on what God has said for me that resembles that very idea but with a flaw. I realized that in providing God that "out" verbally, I have also been giving my belief an "out" as well. In my human desire to guard my heart and avoid disappointment, I had unwittingly put a chink in the very thing that undergirds my faith--that basic ability to believe God. Forgetting who I am in Christ (heir to the throne and one of His chosen people), I had begin to think that maybe God simply doesn't want to bless me in this area or that. I know He can, but when I don't see it happening, it is easier for me to believe that He's changed his mind about me or changed his mind about doing certain things for me (marriage, ministry, direction, etc.). Without much effort, the enemy had begun to slowly erode away at my confidence in being able to hear God clearly by shining a tiny light on the corner of doubt in my mind--resulting in making the task to believe a greater one. And it took two people (prophets of God) on different occasions to reiterate the things that God has said in the past to make me realize just how much of a foothold I had given doubt over my faith.

So this week, it was important to me to send you a reminder to knock doubt off it's pedastal in your heart. Turn off that small light on the corner of doubt and focus on the ability for FAITH to shine brightly if you allow it. I've come to remind you that whatever the Lord said to you before--before the madness of life and the whispers of the enemy began to take root--you need to believe. Whatever God said you need to speak. Don't give faith an "out". Not only is He ABLE to do what He said, He is WILLING and WAITING to accomplish every thing that He set out to do in your life. And your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to encourage yourself and solidify the strength of your belief by speaking that thing each and every day until it comes to pass.

Be encouraged and encourage someone else.


Sunday, March 31, 2013

Get Your Mind Right (Day 7 - Freedom Week)

But by the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace toward me was not in vain; but I labored more abundantly than they all, yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me. 
1 Corinthians 15:10

There are days in this faith walk where confidence begins to wane--confidence in ourselves, confidence in God's plan, confidence in God himself... It's easy to allow discouragement to set in and determine the trajectory of your hopes. So that makes the words of Paul that much more poignant. He writes in I Corinthians 15 that "by the grace of God I am what I am". Here is a man who spent the greater part of his ministry imprisoned and unrecognized by other religious folks. And yet his resolve was that of a confident and fearless man. The Bible says that you are "fearfully and wonderfully made" and that God's work in you was/is "marvelous" (Psalm 139:14). Simplified, that can  mean that our physical being was made marvelous. However, that does not begin to truly scratch the surface of the wonder that God breathed into you. He made you for a purpose. When you decide to rest in that knowledge and settle your mind on the fact that you are what you are--that God's plan for you did not change because money didn't appear the way you wanted or grades did not measure up to the level you studied or relationships couldn't stay on track despite your best efforts--then you give God the freedom to rule in you; and you can move knowing that all He has imparted into you is not in vain.

The world stresses self-confidence, but the confidence Paul speaks of stretches our understanding of self and explodes across supernatural lines of reality. This confidence is in who the Lord made you to be. It's a confidence in the omniscience and omnipotence of God. People about to play in a game, fight a battle or simply conquer a difficult task will say the phrase "Get your mind right" and that is all that is coming to mind to pass along your way. Remember Who God is. Remember the power of His grace. Stop settling for your pity party, shift out of depression and GET YOUR MIND RIGHT! It's time to move and the grace of God has made it possible for you to accomplish great and mighty things in His name TODAY. So be encouraged today to pick up your bottom lip and be about the business of the Lord.


Saturday, March 30, 2013

Just a Test (Day 6 - Freedom Week)

"Until the time that his word came to pass, The word of the Lord tested him." Psalm 105:19 Today's message is pretty simple and to the point. As we are on the eve of Easter, I am reminded that everything God says will come to pass. He told us redemption would come, and it did. God told us he loved us and he does (as evidenced by his giving of Christ) . What he said is true but will sometimes bring tests. As you approach this new day, praise God as the trials come and as God tests his word in you. People will die, situations shift, money moved and so much more. But God's word is True. It will come to pass. Hang in there. Be encouraged, MinD

Friday, March 29, 2013

Hail to the Victors (Day 5 - Freedom Week)

For we have no power against this great multitude that is coming against us; nor do we know what to do, but our eyes are upon You.”...Thus says the Lord to you: ‘Do not be afraid nor dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours, but God’s.
2 Chronicles 20:12b, 15b
I sat on the edge of my seat waiting for the overtime game of the NCAA game to end. My team had been the underdog. They'd been down for the count and simply not as much on their game as their competitor. With virtually no time left on the clock, they tied the game and the competitor missed a shot--sending the game into overtime. My team came out fighting and never gave up. It seemed as if the call for OT was almost a refreshing for them and a defeating call for the competition. They stepped up their game. The five minutes of overtime where equally as tense as with 23 seconds left on the clock and no time outs left, the officials stopped the game for a time clock adjustment. But alas, my team pulled it out in the end.

The team couldn't hear me and I was alone in the room, but I along with so many others celebrated with bursts of school/alumni pride, singing along with the marching band as it played "Hail to the victors valiant. Hail to the conquering heros...Hail! Hail to Michigan..." And as the excitement subsided about the game, my excitement about that song began to bubble over. You see, these days, I've been feeling a lot like the underdog in the game. There have been some points where I feel as though the enemy has simply out-played me--moments where I could practically hear the commentators of my life shaking their heads and asserting what move they felt that I should have made.

But, at the end of the day, Good Friday...my relationship with Christ...my walk of faith all remind me that the victory is already mine. The victory is already yours! I am reminded that there was a "trick play" made thousands of years ago on my (and your) behalf on the cross at Calvary. A play that takes our game into overtime where we are renewed and look like whole new competitors. When Jesus died on the cross, he brought a refreshing to the game that is destined for VICTORY. So even when you feel like everything is against you, when you feel like you've been down on your game, when you feel like the commentators of your life have doomed you with their tongues, the Bible reminds us that "No weapon formed against you shall prosper, And every tongue which rises against you in judgment (God) shall condemn." (Isaiah 54:17) You simply cannot give up and need to step up your game. The enemy would have you believe that the game is his, but inevitably, he always misses a shot and underestimates the renewing power of Christ in our lives.

Plain and simple: The competition has already been won. He has delivered the competitor into our hands. And for as many people who are "commenting" against you, there are others silently watching on, ready and waiting to burst out and celebrate with you when the True Victor is revealed--when God's Greatness shines through. Because of this, we can shout now. Because of this, you can strike up the band and play your own victor song. "Hail to the victors valiant. Hail! Hail to <<Insert Your Name>>..." You may be in overtime, but not to worry: It's already done. It's already won.

Be encouraged,

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Simply Breathe (Day 4 - Freedom Week)

There remains therefore a rest for the people of God. For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His. Let us therefore be diligent to enter that rest, lest anyone fall according to the same example of disobedience. 
Hebrews 4:9-11
It seems that over the course of this day, there has been one recurring theme:  BREATHE. As I prepared to have my class give a presentation that we had been working on for some time, I had to keep remind my kids to simply have fun and enjoy the process. A friend stopped me today to tell me about a new app that they had on their iPad that takes you through breathing exercises. And, along the way home, I spoke with an elderly gentleman on the train with our conversation centering around taking those moments to stop and enjoy each moment. It seems that everywhere that I turned today there was a reminder to simply take a moment, stop, and breathe. So often, we bulldoze through our days--with appointment after appointment (even the kids have planners and full schedules). Some even move so fast that silence becomes foreign.

When was the last time YOU took a deep breath (that wasn't laced with anger or impatience)? Do truly took a moment to "smell the roses"? Did you actually see the route on the way home or did you simply look up and realize you had arrived? When was the last time when you allowed the silence to overtake you and simply enjoy being alive? Today's reminder is simply that tomorrow isn't promised. With every day comes passing moments that are to be cherished, and that sometimes takes intention. For the next week, set five minutes aside to simply look out at your lawn or watch the sun rise. Take a minute to simply breathe and remember the blessing of the little things in life.
you remember the expressions on your children's faces today or is it all a blur? When was the last time you

Be encouraged to BREATHE.
