Friday, May 17, 2013

Why So Surprised? HE IS GOD!

I will sing of the LORD's great love forever; with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations.
Psalm 89:1

When I left home yesterday morning, I have to admit to being a bit blue. The previous couple of days (more than that if I'm being honest) had been particularly "heavy". There was no major event to explain why that was the case but it was more about the season I have been in weighing on my shoulders and simply trying to maintain my faith. Like so many other days before, I had had a bit of a melt down the previous day about my transportation situation--crying out to God that I was still waiting for the promise of a car that He had given me and that my fortitude in the wait was wearing thin. And so as I began my trek that morning to the bus stop, a small speck of white on the sidewalk caught my eye.
As I looked down, there was a small bead with the letter A inscribed on it. This random little speck made me stop, back track and take a picture. There was something about it that made me feel like God was whispering directly to me that morning that I was on His mind and that He hadn't forgotten me. Feeling the way I had recently, I could use every piece of encouragement I could get from God so I snapped the picture and kept on moving--this time with a little less weightiness dragging me down. As I made my way up the road, I was still a bit down but just that much more encouraged that God hadn't forgotten me. I took one bus then stood waiting on my connecting bus feeling worn out and the day had not even really begun.

The ringing of my phone would next change the trajectory of the entire day as a friend called to tell me that she and her husband wanted to bless me with their "old" (yet new to me) mini-SUV! I thought I was hearing things. Tears began to overwhelm me as she explained how I had been on her heart to do this for me the last three months and basically how God made a way for it to be possible. Her husband had blessed her with a new, bigger truck for Mother's Day and was in agreement that they should give the old one to me instead of using it as a downpayment on the new one. My prayers had availed and God's promise had been manifested just that quickly. When I shared the news with one of my friends last night, she almost made me feel stupid saying ' SAID He was gonna do it!' and I told her that my awe was not in the belief but because I was overwhelmed by His faithfulness.

As I awoke this morning, God reminded me of the scripture in II Kings 4 where the prophet told the Shunamite woman after her being barren for so long that "this time next year" she would hold a son. True to that prophetic word, by the time he returned the next year, she had had her son. Last year the weekend of Mother's Day, my old car died and God told me to get rid of it. He also told me that he would replace it (though I did not know when). So this time last year, God was telling me to trust Him and this time this year He is reminding me that that trust is never misplaced. As "crazy" as prophesy sounds at times, He was very specific in putting a small SUV in my heart and said that something I did in ministry would be result in someone blessing me. When my friend gave me the news yesterday, she expressed those same thoughts.

When we move in obedience and do what He tells us, He remains faithful to take care of us. Period. Though our obedience should never be about earthly rewards, we have to keep in mind that God uses us in life plants seeds and unlock our own blessings. And it's not about what we are going to "get" as much as it about the potential for lives to be impacted for God's glory. In the end, I'm going to nickname this car "Faith" as a constant reminder to me of how God is faithful. The car is a "little" thing in God's sight. The promises He has given me are much bigger than my transportation, but God in his infinite grace and mercy saw fit to throw me a bone and lift some weights yesterday and simply remind me that He is God. I couldn't leave my house this morning without "singing of the LORD's great love" (as it says in the Psalm above) and encouraging you in this season. We can believe Him. There's no need to be surprised when He makes good on His promises both big and small.

Be encouraged that you are on God's mind and He has not forgotten you.

Pastor A

P.S. Some of you remember that I even wrote about my car before. You can see that entry at

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

New Way Home

There is a recurring lesson that has been coming at me recently-FLEXIBILITY. It's one that was driven home to me on a ride home one evening. After meeting a friend for dinner, I decided to take a different route home. I turned down a ride to the nearest subway station just out of a desire to learn something new. I didn't know the schedule of that particular bus but stood at the stop "on faith" that something would soon come along to pick me up. And, I was pleased at my choice as I gazed out of the windows to see the sun going down. It was a peaceful ride home filled with this weird sense of wonder. This new route was a winner, and the Lord began to remind me about the necessity for flexibility and courage in this season of life. So many of us are in spaces where God is pushing us to be a little bit more adventurous in this walk towards Him (i.e. "home"). We've been doing the same things and expecting different results (a.k.a. insanity) and God looking for more flexibility. You may feel like you can't bend any further, that you've been as flexible as you can possibly be. It's at that point that God pushes us to take one more step, stand at the new stop, and wait for him to take us away on a new journey. Be encouraged that when you stand "on faith", HE will be that very thing that very thing that you are seeking...that peaceful ride full of wonder awaits us on the other side of courage and faithfulness. Today, make a decision to take a new way home.

"I will bring the blind by a way they did not know..." Isaiah 42:16a

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Anxious to Hear

"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7

Have you ever been anxiously awaiting someone's call? Perhaps it was a fine man or woman you thought might be "the one", the job you knew would take you to that next level of success, the doctor with test results in your favor, or any number of opportunities that awaited you on the other end of the line. We've all been there eyeing the phone like a watched pot that never seems to boil. And you think if you state hard enough, you can will it to sound. Or sometimes it is the other way around, and you are on the sending side--nervous about making a call out. The anticipation of the call is connected to your hope for the answer.

Similarly, there are times when we hesitate to pray, allowing time to get away from us or sleep to overtake us or "busy"ness to get in the way of making that outgoing call to God. Maybe He won't pick up? Perhaps He won't answer? Worse yet, perhaps He WILL? We remain silenced by our anticipation and fears.

But the thing to remember about God is that He is always on the other side of that line, anxiously awaiting your call. He WANTS to hear from you. He wants to be a part of your process and not simply an afterthought or consultant. He wants to give you PEACE and REST through your prayers. The scripture promises"peace that surpasses understanding" and compels us to "Come to (the Lord) all who labor and are heavy laden, and (he) will give you rest." (Mattew 11:28) You have been laboring and feeling the weight of the world (disguised as your life) on your shoulders. God is standing by in "ready mode" to tap in and take over that weighty feeling if you let Him. Unlike us awaiting the mate or job or tests, He doesn't NEED our call. But it is so much sweeter that He WANTS it.

Today, be encouraged to surrender your anxieties and fears and call Him up.

Pastor A

P.S. Today is the National Day of Prayer. Forward this blog to those who YOU are praying for and encourage them in the Lord.