Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Stuck In Neutral

When Jesus saw him lying there, and knew that he already had been in that condition a long time, He said to him, “Do you want to be made well?” The sick man answered Him, “Sir, I have no man to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up; but while I am coming, another steps down before me.” Jesus said to him, “Rise, take up your bed and walk.” And immediately the man was made well, took up his bed, and walked.
John 5:6-9

Anyone who has ever had car trouble knows that it’s never fun. But I have to admit that I was somewhat amused one of the more recent times that car trouble darkened my doorstep. You see, I’ve gotten to the point where I try not to worry about things that I cannot fix and simply wait (and expect) God to take care of matters. But I digress…this time, I was having trouble with the gear shift. The car was stuck in gear. Now, I know that doesn’t seem amusing, but the amusing part was when the Lord began to minister to me through the failed mechanics of my vehicle. You see, the car was stuck in NEUTRAL.

The motor was running fine and the car could drift wherever I pushed it, but it wouldn’t actually shift into drive. And I knew in my heart, that God was trying to get my attention and show me areas of my life where I had become stuck in a spiritual “neutral”—where I had become somewhat numb and allowed some of life’s ups and downs to dictate where I did or didn’t go. In the midst of my waiting season, I admit that apathy had begun in ways to set in. Just like my car, I was running just fine from the outside but had a glitch that meant I couldn’t go full steam ahead. It reminded me of the man at the pool of Bethesda who sat year after year waiting for something to happen instead of making it happen for himself.

At the end of the day, my car was an easy fix. One small part had gone awry. And God is saying to me and to you that it can be just that simple for us. How often in our lives do we allow one small element of our world to throw us completely off course or, worse yet, to stagnate us? Where is God trying to take you that has been hindered by a simple fix (ex. a different perspective, a new route, a different mindset)? Today, you have the opportunity to break out your tools and make a simple fix in your spirit. The Word of God and the fellowship with His children make all the difference in being able to move out of neutral. Be encouraged today to make the decision to surround yourself with the right folks and fill yourself with the right words. It can be as simple as that.


Friday, October 25, 2013

Where There's A Will...

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13

Over the years, I have been fortunate enough to go down some challenging routes of faith for God. My decision to follow Him was not predicated upon conditions of where/how I would be willing to go or not. I didn't say "I'll go if..." I've trusted Him (even when scared) as opportunities to do somewhat unrealistic things with my life or to venture to somewhat dangerous areas, during somewhat dangerous times. However, I am often surprised by the fact that the loudest voices of fear that I hear come from Christians. Their excitement for what God is doing in/through me is often tempered by love and words of caution. As a human being, it makes me smile and feel cared for, but as I listened to the last of these "lectures of love" most recently from a relative, I couldn't help but feel a little sad as well.

You see, there are some verses of scripture that just about every Christian can recite (even if they don't know where it's found in the Bible). Philippians 4:13 is one of those verses. But I often find myself wondering if we really believe what we recite. Do we believe that small three letter word that defines what we are capable of...A-L-L? When David faced Goliath with stones, He didn't cower in fear but conquered in courage (I Sam 17). When Abraham was told to leave all he knew to be precious and "go", he didn't didn't rest on a "woe is me" song but instead started singin' "On the road again..." (Gen 12). When Esther was asked to stand against all odds before a king in the face of death, through her own fear/hesitation, she rose to the challenge "for such a time as this" (Esther 4). And when Christ himself faced the cross, he did so saying "not my will by Thy Will be done" (Luke 22:42).

From Genesis to Revelations, we have that "great crowd of witnesses" that the Bible talks about (Heb 12:1) who testify to how God can both grant supernatural victories in the face of defeat and bless you beyond your wildest dreams while doing it. The key to being able to really live that Scripture out is simply to do it. There is no magic solution. This week alone, there have been forces coming against you to stop you from doing things (big and small) that line up with God's Will for your life. And time and time again, you've allowed the small voices of fear and doubt to overrule the "still small voice" of God unctioning you further in Him. God wants to help you do the impossible. He wants you to take your eyes off the greatness of the end result and just do what He told you to do. Take that leap of faith to find what you need waiting for you at the top of your jump. What's waiting are the fruit of His promises and the relief of your destiny. Be encouraged this week to plow forward into ALL THINGS with abandon that shows you truly believe that you can do it all through Him.


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Trust Your Voice

When I was in high school, I was quite active in the drama department. One year, I tried out for our spring musical. I prepared my song with much angst and decided to try out for the chorus with the the thought that I couldn't possibly be able to carry a major role. Though I had been in choir and knew I could sing, somewhere in the back of my mind, teenage doubt began to seep in. I wondered if I would be good enough. The day of the audition, I was shaking in my boots. My anxiety reached new heights and it showed. As I sang my song, my nerves kicked in and I unintentionally sang the song one key higher than I had practiced. It wasn't flawless, but I finished it nonetheless.

The director and music director both looked at me, shaking their heads with smiles. I will never forget that they then asked me why I hadn't auditioned for one of the lead roles. I nervously admitted to my anxiety and the feeling of not being good enough. They shared with me that, with training and practice to get my nerves under wraps, I was more than capable of doing the job. I was cast in one of the lead roles and was understudy for the leading role. The play went off with flying colors, but it was more than just a play. It began the long journey of teaching me to trust my own voice and to trust the gifts God has given to me.

This lesson came back to mind recently as I was called upon to serve in a ministerial position that I'm less comfortable with than standard teaching/preaching--prophecy. Though I recognize this as a part of my calling and have accepted it as a gifting from the Lord, it is often easy for me to talk myself out of saying what "thus says the Lord" and insert myself into the picture (telling myself "Oh that's not really God, that's just me thinkin' something or other..."). However, this time I was tired of reverting back to the scared me and took the bull by the horns, praying God would grant me holy boldness to flow according to his will. I heard the Spirit remind me, "TRUST MY VOICE"peace. At the end of the day, I felt such a lightness. As I flowed in the giftings, a feeling that I can only describe as "right" or like coming home overtook me. As I flowed, there was genuine

How many times do we second guess ourselves and, consequently, second guess God? How many times does God have to tell us to flow boldly in Him? What is he telling YOU to do or say that you have been second guessing? Well don't even dwell on that. I'm here to remind you that you are good enough! Today is a new day. Today is the day you remember to be encouraged because the Holy Spirit in you will not lead you astray and only wants to fill you with "liberty". (II Corinthians 3:17) Today is the day to decide you will not revert to the old you and you will flow with confidence in the creation He has crafted. Today is the day that you must decide that 'greater is He that is in you' than even YOURSELF, your flesh and your doubts (1 John 4:4). Today is the day you must silence the voice of doubt in your mind and pursue Him with a fervor like none other. Today trust the voice of the Holy Spirit in you. I promise you that there is a reward of peace and joy on the other side of your obedience.


Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Emotional Work In Progress

"Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me."
Psalm 51:10
I'm struggling to write this...probably because I'm in the middle of it. As much as I hate to admit it, I find myself the middle of trying to let go of negative emotions. Emotion...It's one of the greatest things that remind us of our humanity and challenges us in our need for a redeemer. Over the last couple of weeks, there have been a couple incidences with friends who have offended me. Most times, offenses can roll off my back. But there are times when it's just not that easy. And it's not about the other person. In most cases, when people offend, they do so unintentionally. So the question becomes one of self-preservation and personal spiritual development: What do you do when offense takes over where grace normally resides? How does a Christian respond when anger takes over or when disappointment seeps into the crevices of our souls? 

As I sit in the midst of my offense, I have been truly at war and praying to win this little battle of flesh against spirit. But what God reminded me was that I couldn't do this alone. There are times when you're in a pit so deep that you feel like your prayers can't even reach through to God. So instead of stewing in my mess, I reached out to a friend for prayer who reminded me of David's plea to God for a "clean heart" and a "renewed spirit". Every time my emotions have started to creep back in, I've been fighting with the best weapon I have--God's Word. Lord, in this moment clean my heart and renew my spirit. Lord, in this moment make intercession for me. Lord, in this moment help my anger not to lead me to sin...

It's definitely a work in progress and it's an active process. But what I know is that God is faithful to us in our desire to make spirit the winner over flesh. So I wanted to encourage you in this day that no matter who/what has offended you, in the past or present, make a decision to take action and choose His Spirit over your emotions. Choose life over death and light over darkness. Stand on God's Word and He will renew and clean you if you let Him.

Be encouraged and encourage someone else in this day.