Thursday, May 31, 2012

Cliffs of Refuge

"The high hills are for the wild goats; 
The cliffs are a refuge for the rock badgers." 
Psalm 104:18 NKJV

Taken from
When you think of hanging from a cliff, what imagery comes to mind? Somehow or another, for me cliffs never really bring calming thoughts unless I imagine being behind carefully crafted guard rails and walls. So as I did my devotional one morning, it struck me odd that a cliff would be a place of refuge. For many, cliffs would typically be connected with feelings of fear and anxiety, excitement and danger. The image of being on an unrestrained cliff is not of peace and serenity. So it seemed odd as I was reading that God would highlight that this particular animal, the rock badger, chooses cliffs as a place of refuge.

The question lingered in my mind as I read on in the verse. You see, I had started my morning in prayer and seeking salve for my wounded heart. I awoke to the feeling I fell asleep with--discouragement--and was turning to my Word for solace. In a matter of words, I was feeling as though I were hanging on the perpetual cliff of life--not understanding fully how to hold on and how to get to a place of safety/security.
So it seems only fitting that the Holy Spirit would point me towards this odd verse. In the midst of all the words I read that morning, the Holy Spirit began to shower me with peace as I meditated on this verse. This space of doubt and discouragement that clouded my spirit was the perfect time to be reminded that God is in control especially when I feel most out of control. Even when I feel like I'm dangling from a cliff, I have the option to reach up and find refuge. In situations like these, we need to tap into our "inner badger" and instead of trying to flee from it, we can burrow deeper in the knowledge that we remain safe in His arms.

I don't know about you, but I've decided to be like a badger today and find refuge in my cliff!

Be encouraged,

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

He Sees You

"Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence?
...Indeed, the darkness shall not hide from You, But the night shines as the day;  
The darkness and the light are both alike to You." 
Psalm 139:7, 12

So much is going on day to day that it is often easy to feel as though you're getting lost in the shuffle. You're wondering what happened to the man/woman who exists beyond the hats that you wear and roles that you play out each day. Busy-ness has rendered you unable to even take a moment to breathe and certainly has limited your ability to hear from God or feel Him near. Though you realize that God doesn't leave or forsake us (mentally), the reality of your situation has you wondering why He's so silent. But the Word of the Lord today is simply a reminder that He sees you. There is no place too dark, no schedule too busy, no crevice in your spirit too wide or shadow too smothering that He isn't fully aware of. To God, your dark places are just as your light and He doesn't require night vision goggles or sunglasses to see clearly in each.

Be encouraged...God sees you.


Photo Credit: 2012 (c)  A. Diallo

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Climbing Blind

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, 
the evidence of things not seen." 
Hebrews 11:1

Recently, I had the pleasure of chaperoning a teenager's retreat at a camp in Georgia. This wasn't any ordinary camping experience. The group of high school students I was traveling with were all in some ways legally blind and/or highly visually impaired. They are an outstanding group of young people who, on that weekend, gave me a new outlook on the idea of faith. You see, these kids were being challenged to do things outside of their comfort zone. With varying levels of sight, and some with none at all, they conquered things that some grown, sighted folks I know would run from. They went canoeing and participated in leadership building exercises. But there was one portion of the weekend that truly blew my mind. Many of them--limited/no sight and all--conquered a 30ft+ climbing wall!

They came back excitedly telling me of their varying levels of achievement. Some made it all the way up to ring the victory bell at the top and some simply conquered their fears and made it partially through. Either way, they came out victors and with a sincere witness of what it means to have a walk of faith.

As you climb through the rough terrain of your life, God has clearly called us to live a life similar to these young people--with varying levels of sight but with high levels of expectation to climb to higher heights at every turn. We must remember that faith is about what you CAN'T see and not what you can. And, in the end, you have to trust that you are anchored by the ultimate harness, Jesus Christ, and that God will constantly provide you with footholds as you keep moving in expectation to reach the end in victory. Today, you may not be able to see what's at the top. You may only be able to feel your way through one inch at a time, but KEEP CLIMBING even though you are climbing blind. For that's the stuff that real faith is made of.

Be encouraged!

**Image Credit:

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Born This Way!

For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.
Psalm 139:13 

There’s a popular song sung by Lady Gaga that says “I’m beautiful in my way; ‘Cause God makes no mistakes; I’m on the right track, baby; I was born this way.” It’s a multi-million dollar selling song that has encouraged many folks both young and old around the world. They call it an anthem for the anti-bullying movement and is often discussed in the context of tolerance. As I sat one morning and watched the rain fall, I actually started humming it as sort of my own personal anthem while I was trying to be encouraged in a place of gloom. I don't know all the words but just that part seemed to stick. And then I was listening to someone preach that day. Their topic was something different but the preacher said something to the effect of "he was born to do what he was doing."

Instantly, I was encouraged. You see...though things may not go our way at all times...though we may find ourselves battling to keep our heads above water, one thing you can know for and I were born for GREATNESS! Your greatness may not look like mine or like Obama's or Gaga's or Oprah's or cousin Bookie or Uncle Buster. It's yours. God made you with a plan in mind and He's just the kind of God that see's everything through that He started. The Apostle Paul tells us that we can be "confident" in the fact that "that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ" (Phil 1:6). Despite how it looks today, God didn't make a mistake. You can trust in Him because it is HE that "upheld you from birth" (Psalm 71:6) and will continue to hold you until your destiny is fulfilled. It also means that you were born triumphant. Don't let Gaga (a secular singer) be the only one who knows that God didn't make mistakes. Before you came on the scene, Jesus took care of it all for you and me. You were born in victory! You were born to have a peaceful spirit. You were born to persevere. You were born to give Him glory!

So be encouraged today, hum a tune and walk as though your soul knows well: You were born this way!


Thursday, May 3, 2012


“according to my earnest expectation and hope that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ will be magnified in my body, whether by life or by death.”

Philippians 1:20

Like so many Americans out there today, I’m in a season where my finances don’t always match the need. I knew that this would be a season of stretching my faith when the Lord told me to leave my job and pursue Him in a different way. I know so many people thought I was crazy to leave the comforts of steady income and benefits but I knew that it would be crazier not to follow wholeheartedly after what God was saying. God told me to go and told me He’d take care of my needs. And He has truly be faithful.

But it hasn’t been a walk in the park but I haven’t lost hope. This year has been one where some weeks and months I was holding my breath saying “ok, Lord…any day now…” and I have been watching as time after time, He has supernaturally made a way out of no way. Even with that knowledge, each time there is a need, I’ve had to turn to Him and say “Now what? I did what you said. I’m out here trying my best and trying not to lose heart. You see this bill here…do I humble myself (a constant thing in this season…boy I tell ya!) and ask someone for help or is this one of those times when you are sending someone?” And I would usually (hey…I’m human…) heed the Spirit’s guiding. But no matter what, I constantly look to Him and expect that He is capable of great things in the midst of this faith walk.

One such occasion was last week. I was between a rock and a hard place and it was between sitting in the dark (which I was willing to do if necessary) and taking care of other essentials. If you’ve ever been there, then you know that feeling where you simply throw your hands in the air and say “HELP!” And so I prayed about it and turned to my mother for help. I told her exactly what I needed and not a penny more. And she so graciously was able to help me. But the point of note here was that when I checked my account it wasn’t for the amount that I had asked. No…momma didn’t short me. Instead she had thrown in an extra $50. She never talked to me about it. But the Spirit of the Lord said to me as I looked at my bank balance “I wanted you to know that I’m a God of MORE THAN ENOUGH.”

Hallelujah! You see what God has shown me time and time again is that when you approach him with that spirit of earnest expectation and hope and look to Him to show out as only HE can, He will not disappoint. The contingency is that you have to be willing to walk boldly in Christ and magnify Him in every aspect of your life. Today, I want to encourage you that God above is more than enough. As you follow boldly after Him, He will meet you at every turn according to that very expectation and hope with grace and mercy.

Be encouraged!