Thursday, May 31, 2012

Cliffs of Refuge

"The high hills are for the wild goats; 
The cliffs are a refuge for the rock badgers." 
Psalm 104:18 NKJV

Taken from
When you think of hanging from a cliff, what imagery comes to mind? Somehow or another, for me cliffs never really bring calming thoughts unless I imagine being behind carefully crafted guard rails and walls. So as I did my devotional one morning, it struck me odd that a cliff would be a place of refuge. For many, cliffs would typically be connected with feelings of fear and anxiety, excitement and danger. The image of being on an unrestrained cliff is not of peace and serenity. So it seemed odd as I was reading that God would highlight that this particular animal, the rock badger, chooses cliffs as a place of refuge.

The question lingered in my mind as I read on in the verse. You see, I had started my morning in prayer and seeking salve for my wounded heart. I awoke to the feeling I fell asleep with--discouragement--and was turning to my Word for solace. In a matter of words, I was feeling as though I were hanging on the perpetual cliff of life--not understanding fully how to hold on and how to get to a place of safety/security.
So it seems only fitting that the Holy Spirit would point me towards this odd verse. In the midst of all the words I read that morning, the Holy Spirit began to shower me with peace as I meditated on this verse. This space of doubt and discouragement that clouded my spirit was the perfect time to be reminded that God is in control especially when I feel most out of control. Even when I feel like I'm dangling from a cliff, I have the option to reach up and find refuge. In situations like these, we need to tap into our "inner badger" and instead of trying to flee from it, we can burrow deeper in the knowledge that we remain safe in His arms.

I don't know about you, but I've decided to be like a badger today and find refuge in my cliff!

Be encouraged,

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