But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. (Matthew 6:33)
A dear friend of mine said something that tickled me recently. She was being silly, as we often are, while also being serious. As a mother of three young children, wife, co-business owner, small group leader, daughter, sister and friend, her list of hats and commitments seems (at times) overwhelming. She like many of us has had those moments where you look up one day and all of a sudden you have on several hats and you're not even sure how they really got there; and you are aching to tag someone in on your life to take a turn at your life. Her words were that she wanted to "escape the tyranny of her to-do list".
We laughed as I prescribed Jesus as the only answer, but as I thought more and more about it, I realized that I know to many of you who are overwhelmed without an understudy to sub for you now and again. You are aching to get off the merry-go-round/roller coaster that has become your life. You go from one event to the next meeting to the next appointment and try to squeeze God in where you can. Some days He makes it in penciled in at the bottom, and still others not so much...
Today I want to give you a simple reminder...that same reminder that I gave to my friend in the midst of her moment. At the end of the day, God is greater than your to-do list. While you are aching to tag out, he is aching to tag IN. He's the best type of understudy who knows all the songs and can play your role better than you but who isn't trying to steal anything from you in the process. We serve a God who demands that we put him FIRST. I know it's hard to do, but this week I want to encourage you to carve out (at least) 5 minutes of quiet time before the kids awake, before you get your morning coffee, before you go for your morning run, before you even kiss your spouse "good morning". Greet God with a smile and offer Him your "to-do list". It may not slow down, but just that little time has the power to change how you feel going through it.
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