Wednesday, March 4, 2015

DAY 15: Argh!

I got angry.

It's not a very common occurrence in general in my life, but I have noted that I've gotten truly angry a couple of times in the last couple of weeks. That's a hard thing for me to digest because I'm the type to get annoyed or frustrated or hurt, yes... but angry? Yeah no...that's not really my thing. So when someone approached me in the dining room this evening and told me that they had to come check on me because I was "radiating anger from all the way across the room", I knew I needed to take heed. It was my testimony that was being compromised, my day that was being ruined and my face gaining more wrinkles while I stewed about issues of the day. It was harming me over anything else.

I can't blame hormones. I can't blame fatigue. These last two instances have truly been my own weakness, insecurities and sadness mixing together into one apparently volatile cocktail. But I don't know why I was surprised. I just came off of a few days of great personal victories and moments of joy. What I know to be true is that in this spiritual battle, the enemy went for the unexpected weapon--anger (Ephesians 6:12). When you least expect it, the enemy and your flesh will work in cahoots to ensure that you miss a moment of that joy and pieces of your peace.

I think that, in the end, I was more upset that I'd allowed the devil to win than I was at whatever issue had come my way. In hindsight, neither of the situations seemed to be worth "losing my religion over" and so I'm glad that even in my anger, I can be spirit-controlled. I did make every effort (sometimes successfully and sometimes not) to heed the words of Ephesians 4:26-27 to "be angry and sin not"; and I generally try my best to emulate the Lord's example and be "slow to anger". I appreciate that God doesn't tell us that we can't get angry. No. There are things that should anger you in this world. Instead, it's about how much we allow that anger to take up brain space and usurp our power. In both situations, my response (after a bit of venting) was to take it to the Lord in prayer. I can't wait until the day when that is my first response to everything.

So here's a head's up for you. This week, choose to be diligent in clear communication, check your judgments and disappointments about others at the door, and pray for the spiritual health of all those around you--avoiding the pitfalls that lead to anger. Whatever situations may present themselves, remember that 'whoever is slow to anger has great understanding and might' (Proverbs 14:29, 16:32), and trust that the Lord will be the one to secure vengeance and right any wrongs.

Pastor Andrea

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