“When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic,
Son, your sins are forgiven you.”
Mark 2:5
So often, Christians buy into the whole idea that our religion should be not seen and barely heard. We want to be politically correct. We don’t want to alienate those that we know and love who may not know Christ. So we change Christmas to holidays and say we had “family time” on Sunday instead of testifying about our experience at church. I know that the definition of faith is about those things that you cannot see, but I was struck this week by a verse in the Bible where it says that Jesus saw their faith. They broke through the ceiling…light pouring in as they pressed towards getting to Jesus. A man was healed because of the faith Jesus saw in these men. So this week, the question that keeps ringing in my ears is pretty simple: Can God see my faith? Maybe it's just me, but it's the type of demonstration of faith that makes me pray this prayer for you and me: Lord, help us to serve you with boldness so you (and others) can see our faith.
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