Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Grace Could Abound (If You Let it)

I have been struck over the course of this week at the power of the human spirit to be rigid and operate outside of the power of grace. I have been struck by the need for each of us to exert our power in life in some small way or another that generally comes out in exerting control over another person. How many times are we presented with the opportunity to be lenient to another or to provide others with grace, but we choose the road more traveled of control and legalism? How many chances come our way to smile instead of frown or speak a kind word instead of persecute? How often do we have the possibility to forgive another instead of holding a grudge? How many opportunities are we presented with on a daily basis to live out one of the greatest responsibilities of a Christian--to represent Jesus Christ on this earth and extend our hands in love and grace? How many times do those opportunities come and we let them pass away?

Unfortunately, the number of missed opportunities is great. As you go through your day, week, year, I want to challenge you to remember grace. We remember grace when it's convenient for us...when we are praying for God to forgive us. But the model prayer in the Bible asks God to "And forgive us our debts, As we forgive our debtors." (Matt 6:12) That means, we are asking God to use the same measure of grace with us that we use with others (which is often not a large measure). What kind of world would we live in if we truly lived out that request and dished out the grace we so desperately want from God? So the challenge is to take the time to remember God's daily blessing of grace and mercy. Remember the grace He extends to you when you don't deserve it and when He should throw the book at you. Remember how much your life has been changed because of His grace, and make a decision to be intentional about extending grace to your brothers and sisters on this earth. Whether that is to let someone go first in a long line or to overlook a mistake someone made or forgive someone for not meeting your expectations, what we know about who God is is that He overlooks so much for us. How then can our rules for one another be more stringent than that of The Most High God?

Choose this week to forgive, release, and move forward in grace.


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