It takes just a few minutes for the adult butterfly to emerge from its chrysalis when the time is right. The butterfly first emerges with very small wings.
I thought about how often we go through our own seasons of being in that cocoon with life’s changes, processes and trials. Sometimes we come out slow but we do come out! We’ve graduated from schools, gone through trainings, survived issues in our marriages, transitioned from singleness to marriage, finally gotten pregnant after years of trying, conquered an illness…all great and wonderful things. But while you are in the cocoon, you have no real idea of the butterfly experience that is about to come your way. I can imagine that the darkness of our situations mimics the darkness in that hard shell. We wait with anticipation laced with a bit of doubt that we will ever make it out. However, Acts 27:25 encouraged me beyond that doubt this week. Paul, in the midst of a storm when everyone else had given up hope, says “…take heart, men, for I believe God that it will be just as it was told me.”
It may take time to emerge from the cocoon of your situation. You may have to break through some things to see the light, but just know that you can take heart. God’s promise to bring you out was not a lie. His promise to enlarge take you flying to higher heights was not your imagination. You may come out with very small wings initially, but you will come out when the time is right! I believe that God will do just as He told you!
Be encouraged!
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