The lazy man does not roast what he took in hunting,
But diligence is man’s precious possession.
But diligence is man’s precious possession.
- Proverbs 12:27 -
I recently heard about a friend’s choice to leave their job. It was a job that God had clearly spoken into their life. The job was intended to be a gateway for blessing. However, the Word of God came to them saying that the job would first be a test and a cesspool of trials. They went in knowing that the job was made to stretch them and their own human sensibilities. And so I was sad as I thought of how easily/quickly this person seemed to have given up on God. But then I quickly remembered that I’ve done the same. I realized that there are times when I know others must be saddened by my decision to abandon my blessing in the midst of the struggle.
Have you ever questioned your blessings? I mean,
really…be honest. Have you ever thought that something was a blessing from the
Lord…no…you knew it was only
something that God could have provided; then at some point into the
manifestation of that blessing, you began to have some doubts? Perhaps you were
almost homeless with bad credit when the Lord orchestrated a wonderful home for
you that was fully paid for? Or maybe you met and married “the one” and knew
that God had made a way for you beyond your single life? It could have been the
child that you prayed so hard for, that you were prophesied to about, who
finally arrived after infertility diagnoses from the doctors? Maybe a bill was
paid that you truly believed God had made a way for? No matter what it was, you
gave God all the glory for the blessing.
But some time after the house started showing signs of a
leaky roof, the husband signs of infidelity, the child signs of addiction and
truancy, and the bills never quite turning right side up you began to question
the blessing. You began to question God. “God I know I prayed for this job
after being unemployed for two years but now the folks on this job are getting
on my nerves!” It’s at that time that I’ve often seen people develop amnesia. How
quickly we forget that the very thing we curse with our mouths was the same
thing that once blessed us so deeply.
Sometimes, you may feel like you have been shorted on tools,
you may think that this huge blessing has suddenly become a curse, you may
believe that God has forsaken you. But today I want to remind you that God
wants you to cherish the process, to act with diligence and to continue to
praise Him despite how daunting the task ahead may seem. In fact...allow diligence to be your precious possession just as Proverbs 12:27 says. Remember that your blessing never
stopped being a blessing…you simply have to continue to adjust your vision to
keep seeing it that way.
Be encouraged,
Pastor Andrea