Thursday, May 3, 2012


“according to my earnest expectation and hope that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ will be magnified in my body, whether by life or by death.”

Philippians 1:20

Like so many Americans out there today, I’m in a season where my finances don’t always match the need. I knew that this would be a season of stretching my faith when the Lord told me to leave my job and pursue Him in a different way. I know so many people thought I was crazy to leave the comforts of steady income and benefits but I knew that it would be crazier not to follow wholeheartedly after what God was saying. God told me to go and told me He’d take care of my needs. And He has truly be faithful.

But it hasn’t been a walk in the park but I haven’t lost hope. This year has been one where some weeks and months I was holding my breath saying “ok, Lord…any day now…” and I have been watching as time after time, He has supernaturally made a way out of no way. Even with that knowledge, each time there is a need, I’ve had to turn to Him and say “Now what? I did what you said. I’m out here trying my best and trying not to lose heart. You see this bill here…do I humble myself (a constant thing in this season…boy I tell ya!) and ask someone for help or is this one of those times when you are sending someone?” And I would usually (hey…I’m human…) heed the Spirit’s guiding. But no matter what, I constantly look to Him and expect that He is capable of great things in the midst of this faith walk.

One such occasion was last week. I was between a rock and a hard place and it was between sitting in the dark (which I was willing to do if necessary) and taking care of other essentials. If you’ve ever been there, then you know that feeling where you simply throw your hands in the air and say “HELP!” And so I prayed about it and turned to my mother for help. I told her exactly what I needed and not a penny more. And she so graciously was able to help me. But the point of note here was that when I checked my account it wasn’t for the amount that I had asked. No…momma didn’t short me. Instead she had thrown in an extra $50. She never talked to me about it. But the Spirit of the Lord said to me as I looked at my bank balance “I wanted you to know that I’m a God of MORE THAN ENOUGH.”

Hallelujah! You see what God has shown me time and time again is that when you approach him with that spirit of earnest expectation and hope and look to Him to show out as only HE can, He will not disappoint. The contingency is that you have to be willing to walk boldly in Christ and magnify Him in every aspect of your life. Today, I want to encourage you that God above is more than enough. As you follow boldly after Him, He will meet you at every turn according to that very expectation and hope with grace and mercy.

Be encouraged!

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