"Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence?
...Indeed, the darkness shall not hide from You, But the night shines as the day;
The darkness and the light are both alike to You."
Psalm 139:7, 12
So much is going on day to day that it is often easy to feel as though you're getting lost in the shuffle. You're wondering what happened to the man/woman who exists beyond the hats that you wear and roles that you play out each day. Busy-ness has rendered you unable to even take a moment to breathe and certainly has limited your ability to hear from God or feel Him near. Though you realize that God doesn't leave or forsake us (mentally), the reality of your situation has you wondering why He's so silent. But the Word of the Lord today is simply a reminder that He sees you. There is no place too dark, no schedule too busy, no crevice in your spirit too wide or shadow too smothering that He isn't fully aware of. To God, your dark places are just as your light and He doesn't require night vision goggles or sunglasses to see clearly in each.
Be encouraged...God sees you.
Photo Credit: 2012 (c) A. Diallo
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