Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Only the Best

For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb.  
I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;  
Marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well. 
Psalm 139:13-14

I was was walking down the hallway and someone said to me, "You're the best." In a joking manner, I said "Why yes...I am...but only because God made me that way. He said I'm 'fearfully and wonderfully made' and I believed him. I bet you're the best too." The people all around laughed at my silliness, but the thought stayed in my heart as I walked down to my office.
(photo taken from

I suppose it sounds arrogant or conceited to say "Yes. I'm the best." But the truth of the matter is that I know that by worldly standards, I'm not so great at times and other times I've got it together. Like most people, I have my moments and I just pray that the good moments outweigh the bad moments. But when I remember what GOD thinks about me, it's a whole different story. I know it's hard to remember it...particularly when you've not done your best or when things haven't gone the way you wanted them to go, when you look at hot mess or you feel like the world around you is slowly (or quickly) unraveling. But God wanted me to remind you today that you are a special part of His Creation. He formed you with extra special care. He gave your form even more detail than He did the temple that Solomon built and, for that, He commanded that only the best be used (I Chronicles 28:14-19). For His temple, He used the best gold, the best silver, the best bricks, the best men. For you, He used only the best hopes, the best intentions, the best well...the best of the best!

You may be feeling less than adequate today. Your self-esteem has taken a few hits or you feel like you're slowly sinking beneath the weight of your life. However, the good news is that it doesn't have to stay that way. You don't have to continue bearing the burden of inadequacy. God wants to remind you that you are more than enough. You are AWESOME, so walk like you know it. Put a little pep in your step and reflect the fact that what HE made in you is GOOD. And if you still don't believe it then you have an assignment to say to yourself each day "Hello there Awesome" until you do. As the scripture says, "death and life are in the power of the tongue" (Proverbs 18:21). Today I speak life over you...Be encouraged and speak life over yourself.


P.S. Don't forget to forward or share and encourage another person today.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

This Is Not A Drill

Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, 
you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, 
considering yourself lest you also be tempted.  
Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.
Galatians: 6:1, 2

If you've never been on a hospital ship before then let me tell you there are some very interesting things that make the whole thing work efficiently. Just like in any other mainland office building, regular fire drills must be conducted to ensure that all crew are ready and able to handle it should a blaze ignite on board. Every crew member must evacuate the ship and congregate at a designated "muster station" where their names are checked against the master list of people on board. 

As you exit and head towards your muster station (arranged by last name alphabetical groupings), you pass a group of people holding a sign and soliciting for STRETCHER BEARERS. You check in at your muster station and then, if you're feeling so inclined, you head back to said sign and exchange your ID badge for one that marks you as a stretcher bearer on a particular team. In the event of a true emergency, teams of people bearing stretchers will re-enter the ship and head to the hospital where they will be directed in helping to get hospital patients out to safety. Needless to say, like so many other roles on the front line, the role of the stretcher bearer is important and cannot be neglected.

Similarly in life, the Lord has directed us to be Stretcher Bearers to one another. It is a role in this life that is important and cannot be neglected. In today's society it is easy to get into a rhythm and focus on what pertains only to self, but God challenges us in His Word to do different, better and more. Galatians 6 tells us to "restore" and "bear burdens" for others. We are indeed directed to be our brother's/sister's keepers. You may have been asking yourself recently if you should even bother to invest in this person or that. Or perhaps you've felt a bit annoyed by a coworker or friend's constant "dumping" of their problems at your doorstep. The thing is that they see something you forgot you had--your new ID badge. The Lord sent this note your way today to remind you that when you decided to follow him, you turned in your own ID and you now bear HIS identification--making you a key player in His team of Divine Stretcher Bearers.

This is not a drill. There are people all around you that need your light to shine and need your shoulder to lean on or that simply need a lift. This week, your challenge is to take your eyes off of your problems and see where you can be that touch of a gentle spirit that someone else needs. And, though you don't do it for this reason, just know that as you pour out that gentleness of spirit on others, the Lord is faithful and just to return that same spirit unto you. Other Stretcher Bearers will be sent your way and have a mission of helping to bear your burdens and put salve on your wounds. So be is on the way...


P.S. If this spoke to you...don't forget to "pay it forward" and pass it along to another friend in need of a "lift"...

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Hidden Sunrise

"And when by His light I walked through darkness;" Job 29:3b
"And the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead the way..." Exodus 13:21a

The other day, I arose earlier than normal. While some people make it a habit of waking up before the God-given indication that the new day has begun, I've always been a firm believer in seeing sunlight first. So, needless to say, I'm not a morning person. But that morning I thought that I would take advantage of my random alertness and attempt to see the sun rise. I made the trek to the deck on the ship and set up my chair with expectancy.

Time passed and as I sat in quiet prayer, the peace of the morning covered me like a down blanket. I knew God was with me. I have to admit that, for a moment, I began to understand how it is that those early risers must feel. And as the sky moved from dark to light, I thought for a moment that I had missed the main point of my being out there...the SUN. In all the peace, I realized that I missed the fact that I didn't get treated to a beautiful sunrise filled with oranges and purples and reds and golds. The sky went from one shade of blue-grey to a lighter shade thereof. The peace that I felt had distracted me from missing that "show" of light.

And before I could even think of being disappointed at that fact, the Lord began to minister to me about how the sun was still there and had, in fact, still put on a show that I simply could not see. Even though it was veiled by clouds, it was there. It didn't cease to rise just because clouds were in the way or because it couldn't "show off" its splendor. The sun had risen behind the clouds and pushed darkness away. Regardless of what my sight was telling me, the sun didn't change its habits just because the clouds were in the way.

And so it goes in life. There are times when we can't see God and when it seems like the He's not there, but there's evidence of His presence comes as the light (joy, peace, love, etc) pushes out the darkness (confusion, anger, bitterness, etc.) of life. If we allow light to enter and meditate on those things, there's no way for darkness to stay. It must go! No matter what you are going through, you need to remember that, like the sun, The Son is always there. As Job testified, He can serve as a light to help us push through darkness. (Job 29:3a) As He was with the children of Isreal so long ago, He will guide us in the midst of the clouds. (Exodus 13:21a) If you focus, God has a peace that surpasses all understanding (Phil 4:7) waiting to cover you like a down blanket even in the midst of your trial. At the end of the day, be encouraged and remember that the presence of God has the ability to distract you from the fact that you can't make sense of the light.Walk in faith. Don't worry about your sight.
