In this season of economic hardships, there is a growing number if people who fall under the poverty line. Whether out of work or simply trying to make it by on minimum wage, there are so many families who have virtually fallen out of the shrinking middle class. But even for those who have physical means, there are a growing number of folks who are poor and afflicted in spirit. The enemy has stolen their peace, killed their joy, and destroyed their spirit with the slightest of effort (i.e. without even having to try hard). Perhaps that is you. You feel as though 'if it's not one thing it's another' and you spend restless nights trying to figure out how to keep your family from falling deeper and deeper into strife and stress. And, while your joy has been gone for a while now, you feel like you're facing the last straw now that your peace is wavering. Well there is is hope. The Bible tells us in Proverbs 22:23 that 'the Lord will plead their (the poor and afflicted) cause, And plunder the soul of those who plunder them.'
While I can't guarantee that your circumstances will change outwardly, I can reassure you that God has your back. When you are feeling "poor and afflicted", He has taken up for you and has already won the fight on your behalf. It's a fixed fight. When you realize that then you can hold tight to that 'peace that surpasses all understanding' that is promised by God.
Be encouraged in the understanding that God's got your back.
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