Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Plow In Hope (Day 2 - Freedom Week)

...For our sakes, no doubt,  this  is written, that he who plows should plow in hope...
1 Corinthians 9:10b NKJV
Photo credit: National Geographic
There are times when a scripture simply jumps out of the page at you and today was one of those days. I was reading in I Corinthians 9 and the tenth verse simply lept off of the page saying that we should 'plow in hope'. It didn't say we should plow through hope, but specifically in hope. And the image of being in something immediately made its way to my mind. If you were in a pile of snow, you would begin to feel the cold. Depending on how long you were in it, you would begin to even get wet. It could cause you to shiver to your core. Similarly, if you were plowing in a field of wheat in the midst of the hottest sun, being in the sun would soak into your skin. Plowing in a muddy field with minimal tools, would mean potentially getting covered by that mud but still needing to press through it. The effect of being in something is that it soaks itself into your body and becomes a part of who you are in the moment and even begins to show on the outside.

As we "plow" through the daily trials of life, remember to plow in HOPE. For it is hope that needs to permeate into your core. It is hope that needs to soak itself into your soul. It is hope that needs to become a part of you in this moment. Though you may feel like your resources are minimal and the sun may be hot in this field of life or the field muddied with problems, allow HOPE to be the thing that coats your spirit and helps you to press on through it all. Friends, be encouraged today to plow in the midst of hope. Let it overtake your soul and help you to keep looking up. This troubled time will not last always.


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