Wednesday, June 13, 2012

You Must Show Up!

You will not need to fight in this battle. Position yourselves, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord, who is with you, O Judah and Jerusalem!’ Do not fear or be dismayed; tomorrow go out against them, for the Lord is with you.”
2 Chronicles 20:17

The other day I was following what has now become somewhat of a routine on public transportation and transferring from the train to the bus that would take me to my final destination. As I exited the train station to the awaiting bus, a woman sat on the bench and asked if I had money for her fare. Not thinking I did, I gave my apologies and entered the bus where I was joined by two other women.

Fishing in her bag, one woman summoned the waiting woman to the window and handed her a portion of what she would need to make her fare. Not to be outdone, both myself and the other lady on the bus began straining to the bottomless pits of our bags hoping to find random spare change that we didn't previously know we had. Between the three of us the woman's fare was covered plus a little. And as the woman walked away from the bus to purchase her ticket, one of the ladies said something poignant, "She just had to show up, dressed and ready for work and her way would be made."

I could've shouted Hallelujah! right there on the bus! For I knew instantly that the situation was simply a reminder of how God works with us. Blessings come your way often and by various methods. There are times when it is instantaneous. And then there are times when you have to do your part. Sometimes that part is a large starring role and at other times, God just wants you to come ready and simply show up ready to work. I was reminded that this is how He did in Bible days, reminding His people, that their job was simply to position themselves, stand still, and watch Him work!

You may feel like you are in a holding pattern. You may be wondering which direction your next victory is coming from. You may not fully understand how the financial, relational, spiritual, emotional blessing you are needing will be delivered to your doorstep. But God wants to remind you that it's not your job to understand (Remember Proverbs 3:5-6?), it is simply your job to show up ready to position, with the fortitude to stand, and the vision to watch God get all the glory through your deliverance.

Trust Him. It's coming.

Be encouraged,

Thursday, June 7, 2012

When Is Enough, Enough?

"Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place." 
2 Corinthians 2:14
I recently have had a transition in my life. Like so many other unexpected blessings, I was a bit thrown off when my car broke down. She has taken me through some times and gotten me where I needed to go. I've spent alone time in her, quietly decompressing from the wiles of the world. She came at a time that blessed me so very much. I had named her "Promise" (every good car has to have a name, of course)--stating that she was a symbol and a placeholder for the promise of better and more luxurious cars to come. During a time of gas crisis, she has been one of those cars that hasn't taxed my pocket book. At 325,000 miles, she has seen better days but has been hangin' tough. What can I say? I love my car.

So the unexpected blessing the other week when she slowly came to a stop while I was driving definitely landed me in tears. At first, I had a difficult time seeing it as a blessing. When you are stranded on the side of the road trying to figure life out and overwhelmed by emotions, the "bright side" is often difficult to see. But after getting her home and resting on the issue for some time, I found the Lord using this time to minister to me in such a specific way.

As people would inquire, "what's wrong with it?" or "when are you going to get it fixed?", my reply of "I don't know...I'm praying about if I will" would visibly register shock for them. What do you mean, you don't know? Aren't you anxious to get this car repaired? During the first hour after she broke down, that answer would have been "yes!". But The Lord asked me two simple questions that have changed my whole outlook on this situation: "Why? Have you considered this may be Me?" Those simple questions spurred others in my mind and heart. At a time when finances are tight and every penny counts, where even a "sale" or a "hookup" on repairs would mean pulling from somewhere else essential to life, how could I justify to God using the resources He does send to revive something that has had a good run in my life?

You see, there are times when God lets things die in our lives in order to bring us closer to where He ultimately wants us to be. I am beginning to realize that the sidelining of "Promise" is only to make room for "Destiny". My car is merely a tool (one of many) that God uses to accomplish His will for my life. There is someone who is reading this who is desperately trying to revive something dead in your life. You've been trying to "make it work" while God has been asking you "Why?" and to consider that it may just be Him. Be it a broken car or home or relationship or job or...well the possibilities are endless, God sent me to remind you that even in the midst of this trial and what LOOKS like failure, there is triumph coming around the corner. He is THE God who "ALWAYS" leads us in triumph, but we must decide to follow His lead. Ecclesiastes reminds that everything has its season. The promise/blessing of one season can be a hindrance/hurdle for moving into the next if you hold on too tight. Don't get tied up in the comfort of what has done well for you in the past and miss God's shift in the spirit and in the natural. Get excited about the blessing in disguise! At some point you have to stop and say "enough is enough" and allow God to show Himself strong on your behalf.

Trust Him. He'll do it.

Be encouraged.