For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh.
For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal
but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds,
2 Corinthians 10:3-4
I am like so many people who have experienced the loss and strain of relationships in my life. It’s hard when you invest time and energy and your heart into situations that turns into what could best be described as soured milk. It’s not a fun space at all. In fact I often find myself in a surrendered place reaching after God when my tears and/or anger overwhelm me beyond what I am able to handle…MOST of the time. I hate to admit it, but there are times when my buttons are pushed and the Lord is the furthest thing from my mind. There are times when anger and resentment and hurt take hold. There are moments when God isn’t my first thought but the AFTERthought once all of the cussing and fussing has subsided.
It seems to take me by surprise. I’ll think that everything is smooth sailing. My praises will be high. Life will seem like a bowl of cherries. I’ll know that I’m healed from daddy issues or old hurts or new hurts and then “BAM!” someone will magically push one of those very buttons and unleash a world of anguish that no one expected to see. I'll find myself throwing up my hands, shaking my head and muttering "How'd You Find THAT Button?! (Sigh)"
So after this happened for the millionth time recently, I figured a prayer was in order. “Lord, please help me to handle the buttons being pushed with YOUR grace and a sincere mercy. Help me to turn the other cheek and/or walk away, when all I want to do is stand and fight.” And in the midst of this moment of despair, the Lord reminded me that He has already won the war and that this right here was nothing but trick of the enemy to derail me from my focus on Him.
So this week, in your prayers, I want to remind you to see God with that same eye—asking for HIS focus on how to handle those buttons. Some of you just had a button pushed and some will close this devotional and see a finger hovering over a button in your life. Today is that opportunity to remember that this is not a battle that you even have to fight. This is a spiritual war that has already been won by Jesus. In the midst of that anguish, unleash a world of prayer instead of a world of hurt…unleash a world of praise instead of a world of heat.
Be encouraged!
P.S. Don’t forget to pass this along and “pray it forward” (I read that on a Facebook post and loved it). You never know who is trying to deal with buttons being pushed and this may be just the word they need to refocus.